I didn't want to do a blog on Jeff Gerstmann. I was sick of hearing about it. But after listening to the Hotspot, I realize that there's a lot of things people have said and insinuated that have been so wildly inaccurate and based on speculation, rather than fact. I just want to clear up some of these things with those of you who do not know.
Myth: Jeff's review for Kane & Lynch: Dead Men was directly involved in his firing.
Fact: No, it had absolutely nothing to do with it. Face it, people - it was just bad timing. Jeff had many unpopular reviews over the years, and was not afraid to complain about crappy games or express disappointment in games that didn't live up to their potential. Why would Kane & Lynch be any different?
Myth: GameSpot's reviews can no longer be trusted.
Fact: As it turns out, GameSpot itself had nothing to do with Mr. Gerstmann's firing. CNET, the managing site for GameSpot, was responsible. We will never know all the reasons due to legal restrictions for these people. And dang it, we really don't need to know. Something happened, whether it was justified or not, and Jeff is gone.
Myth: GameSpot conspired against Mr. Gerstmann
Facts: Nah, turns out the entire GameSpot family is completely ticked off about this thing. They all love Jeff and would never fire him. Again, it was CNET. None of the GameSpot dudes wanted him fired.
So there. That's my schpeal. That's all I have. We'll miss Jeff Gerstmann, but it's not the last we've seen of him. Deal with it, folks. Knock off the conspiracy theories already.