Nintendo should go all-out with the virtual console. They've done well so far, but the lack of rumble functionality is very disappointing, and there should be upgrades to these games other than widescreen and progressive scan. So what do I want to see? Here's my view.
Nintendo should get more systems on the virtual console. Sony PlayStation, Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast...they should be on there. Of course there wouldn't be Sony's games, but Final Fantasy VII-IX, Castlevania: SotN, Resident Evil, etc. would all be great. Nintendo could release a hard drive on the Wii to allow for tons more games to be downloaded, and make it easier to organize games. Buying in bulk should be cheaper than buying separately. Rumble should definitely be present, and they should make an N64-exclusive peripheral (with rumble.) They should get Rare to put Banjo-Kazooie and -Tooie, as well as Perfect Dark on the system and get online multiplayer on them.
There's so much they can do. Why don't they be more adventurous? What do they have to lose? People are buying the Wii like it's going out of style. I'd buy into Jet Grind Radio, Soul Calibur, and NiGHTS Into Dreams. Geez, c'mon Nintendo!