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What Nintendo Really Should Do - From a Concerned Fan

I must admit it - I really, really hate the approach Nintendo has been taking this generation. Sure, their focus on a more casual audience has paid off big time as far as their sales go, but I just can't stand how many awful limitations they really have with the stupid Wii. It pains me to say it, being the big Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Star Fox, and Donkey Kong fan that I am, but I am just hating the Wii!

My biggest beef with them is that the games I really should be anticipating and enjoying end up disappointing me. They all fail for the same reason: they WORK BEST WITH THE GAMECUBE CONTROLLER. Anybody see something wrong with that? With Super Mario Galaxy being the only notable exclusion, every single first-party game has been better with the old controller. Zelda: Twilight Princess is generally preferred on the GameCube, Super Smash Bros. Brawl is no contest, and even early hands-on previews of the upcoming Mario Kart Wii are touting the GCN controller as the best option. This is so wrong!

So I say that next generation, Nintendo does something unprecedented. I submit that they should have a cheap casual system for all the people who care about that kind of thing, and have some unique and interesting control scheme there (like the Wii 2 or something like that). This system would have all the WarioWare, Wii Sports, etc. etc. type of games. It would be unique and interesting, and certainly worth a buy for those who enjoy lighter fare. But then, they should have another console - one that competes neck-and-neck with the big powerhouses. They could have sleek, awesome processing power, a great online community, and all the AAA Nintendo titles with a solid, regular gamepad! They wouldn't have to ditch innovation, but that's where they'd put their core games, and third parties could place their awesome multiple-console titles on it too (such as Call of Duty 4, The Orange Box, etc. - the equivalent, anyway).

So what would the downside to this be? It could be difficult to create a rift between your own fanbase. I'm sure if they made each of them appealing, there wouldn't be TOO big a problem. The issue of third party support is also a problem. You wouldn't want the one system being a dumping ground for awful shovelware.

I really like this idea of a dual-console generation, though! Tell me what you think could improve this. Let's face it: Nintendo has been neglecting its hardiest of fans, even if it does throw a bone every now and then.

Wii Golf, eat your heart out.

The only other viable option I can see is them making a completely unique (but powerful) new system next generation. They could still have some tilt in the controller, but take out the IR and instead have that awesome Z Camera. They're not going to be able to appeal to a casual crowd again with another Wii. The casual crowd, by definition, is not totally into getting every new bit of hardware. So there.