Well think of this error as like u were running laps. the ps3 was all geared up for the leap year correct? so my example is wat if u were running around on a track. U stay in the same lane same pace everything. Now wat would happen if u saw a hurdle in your way. U would jump over it and keep going doing the same thing for a while till the hurdle was no big deal. Now what if that hurdle was taken away? u would slow down every so often looking for it or completely stop clueless of where it went. Ps3 may be the prototype to the supercomputer but its still a primitive piece of technology that is used to repition.
Guys stop freaking out its just a little maintence it should b up and running in a hour or two. so sit tight. theres been some lagging problems in a few games and certain things arent updating correctly so theyre just going to recallorbrate the network code and maybe patch up a few things no big deal. I would start worrying once its past 930 central usa.
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