Just stitched this together real quick since I'm bored as dick.
Best Picture:
127 Hours
The Fighter
The Kids Are All Right
The King's Speech
The Social Network
Toy Story 3
True Grit
The Way Back
I'm sticking by TWB and Somewhere til the end, yall. They have fallen off lots of lists for stuff like Another Year and Black Swan. BUT I WILL NOT BUDGE.
Best Director:
Ethan & Joel Coen - True Grit
David Fincher - The Social Network
Tom Hooper - The King's Speech
Christopher Nolan - Inception
Peter Weir - The Way Back
Danny Boyle could replace Weir or Nolan.
Lead Actor:
Jeff Bridges - True Grit
Robert Duvall - Get Low
Jesse Eisenberg - The Social Network
Colin Firth - The King's Speech
James Franco - 127 Hours
Dropped Dorff (Somewhere is losing hype for the moment) and Pitt (Since Tree of Life was postponed) for Eisenberg and Franco.
Lead Actress:
Annette Benning - The Kids Are All Right
Anne Hathaway - Love and Other Drugs
Carey Mulligan - Never Let Me Go
Natalie Portman - Black Swan
Hailee Steinfeld - True Grit
Dropped Kidman for Steinfeld. Probably me just being hopeful for the Coen bros, but she looks pretty good in the trailer. Her and Mulligan could both be replaced by Kidman though... or Julianne Moore is she is pushed as Lead instead of Supporting...
Supporting Actor:
Christian Bale - The Fighter
Andrew Garfield - The Social Network
Ed Harris - The Way Back
Sam Rockwell - Conviction
Geoffrey Rush - The King's Speech
Rockwell replaces Penn (Tree of Life). Supporting is hard to predict but Bale and Rush are being hyped like crazy so they should get in. Garfield might also get in for Never Let Me Go and his fellow supporter, Justin Timberlake, has been mentioned as possible candidate for this category as well. Please note that this category has Batman, Spider-Man, and Justin Hammer in it... it would be awesome if those three got in and Ruffalo and Renner snuck in somehow...
Supporting Actress:
Amy Adams - The Fighter
Helena Bonham Carter - The King's Speech
Elle Fanning - Somewhere
Lesley Manville - Another Year
Julianne Moore - The Kids Are All Right
This will be easer to predict than Supporting Actor. Manville is getting all sorts of hype and Hereafter (Bryce Dallas Howard) is getting meh reviews, so they switch.
Original Screenplay:
The Fighter
The Kids Are All Right
The King's Speech
The middle three are probably locked in.
Adapated Screenplay:
Never Let Me Go
The Social Network
Toy Story 3
True Grit
The Way Back
Again, middle three are probably locks >_>
Welp, that's all I feel like doing for the moment. Pardon any spelling/grammatical errors since I typed this up so quickly.
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