1. my daughter grabbed a piece of candy and i didn't notice until were already on our way and I was already chewing it after i wrestled it out of her infant hand. 2. my newborn daughter grabbed this $900 gold ring on accident and had the ability to wrap it in black plastic, open up her towelette box and shove it in the middle of the towelettes along with a diamond necklace from the store previous. 3. my 9 month old daughter somehow got to your stash of money that only you and I know about and somehow calculated and grabbed the exact amount of money that you owe me plus some interest
Rupert Murdoch today announced that he plans to charge for access to all of the websites owned by his company. Are you going to pay to access O'Reilly's website, Hannities?
I just got home from Starbucks and when I opened the door, my dog was in front of the door, on all fours. I'm like, "dude, what you doing on the floor, stand up." And then I realized that's just how dogs stand.
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