@ramey2049 Because Nintendo don't knock out a new version of Mario or Zelda every year, plus those franchises have a much higher level of quality and care put into them than the cash cow franchises of EA, Microsoft and Ubisoft. Nintendo are more consumer friendly I believe
Well played Microsoft. As much as I'd like to think this was due to consumer feedback and NOTHING to do with the fact that they stood to lose millions in preorders etc, at least it means we'll get a better fight for who is number one this gen. Wonder how many of those burned by the original policies will come back however. Satoru Iwata said recently about the difficulty in regaining the trust of gamers if a product is substandard, this will be a perfect case study for that theory
@TheGamerPhenom @dlCHIEF58 @Scandals123 top selling and best is definitely different. I am a 360 guy, but this XBOX One stuff has really dented my confidence in Microsoft.
@TheGamerPhenom @Scandals123 You're right, hell they showed a single video for Twilight Princess and their pre orders shot through the roof. Its something Nintendo have always been bad at, they like to make sure you're going to be impressed, but then hold off, leaving their competitors to jump ahead
@fastharry @Scandals123 @dlCHIEF58 Yeah that's definitely true. But the Wii did bring in a lot of casual gamers, and hopefully some will stay. Gaming companies seem to believe that the focus on extra features like Facebook and Netflix is more important. Sadly, they are forgetting that they are GAMES companies, they should make that 95% of their priorities
@TheGamerPhenom @Scandals123 They do have a new original Zelda coming, the reason they're giving us HD Wind Waker is because it's not ready to be shown off yet. I appreciate that kind of game craftsmanship. If its not ready, don't show it, don't rush it, and give your followers something to keep them tided over. HD Wind Waker is going to be great
Is it just me, or is this the first generation since the 64bit era where Nintendo aren't going to be number 3? Microsoft have shot themselves in the foot time and time again on this XBOX One stuff, and then Nintendo comes out at E3 and loads the bases with all of their big hitters. PS4 may come out number one on this, but the Wii U is going to give it a run for its money, leaving the XBOX Pun lying in wake
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