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Scar_Tissue Blog

Aw Jeeze

So it's been almost FOREVER since I've actually poster a blog entry on here (I don't know if people will care much.)

Pretty much, I just noticed the other day that Thora left this site for a LONG time, and she still had enough time here and there to at least post one or two blog entries just to let everybody know how she was doing, and I've been on this site regularily, not leaving very much at all, and I haven't posted a new journal entry for AGES, I figured it was about time I do so.

I'm not one hundred percent what it should be about though.

I guess I could update you on my life, I don't know who "You" is, but whoever you are, you're reading my journal, so you're going to get a freaking update whether you like it or not :roll:

But first...

I found that picture awhile ago, and laughed a whole lot, and I've been wanting to share it, so nows my chance.

Love the UFO endings

Anyways, so I'm 18 now, officially an adult, I turned on September 13th for whoever didn't know.

Obviously, I still play video games.

I'm obsessed with any little tiny bit of new information I can get about Silent Hill V.

I've been wanting to play through all the Silent Hills again just for the experience.

Well, not Silent Hill 4, because ever since I unlocked all weapon mode and the two alternate costumes, I've been so turned off from that game

Only because getting one weapon mode requires a ten star rating.

So I had to beat the game on HARD mode

in under TWO HOURS

You can't even save ONCE

and you can't die ONCE, cause you can't use ANY continues

I had to defeat at leas ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY enemies or more

and I had to collect ALL FIFTY TWO MEMOS

It was hell, I would get to the prison world on the second run through and die in that HUGE room full of twin heads and have to start ALL over again from the beginning of the game.

and it takes more than 2 hours, cause you have to wait for load times, and bathroom breaks, it was terrible.

And then I found out that I had to do it ALL over again in ONE WEAPON MODE!

Just to get all weapon mode or full weapon mode or whatever.

It was hell.

And then I had to beat it I forget how many other times to get the rest of the endings, just so I could unlock cynthia's alternate outfit.

And Eileens

And the Sub-Machine gun.

it wasn't even worth it! All I got was boob physics and thong outfits!

I thought they would look cool, not risque.

Anyways, I have EVERYTHING in that game, which means I'm NEVER going to play it again.

I don't think I could ever bring myself to beat Silent Hill 3 a million times to get the God of Thunder costume, so I just used the code.

I'm not going to beat it all the way past Extreme mode 10.

I can't even beat Extreme mode 1!

Silent Hill 2, I need to get the rest of the endings, but I keep getting side tracked, I only have the leave ending and I'm working on the In Water ending, then I need to get the Maria ending, and the Rebirth ending, and the Dog ending.

I have the original Silent Hill 2, so I can't get the UFO ending sadly, I've been looking for it, but it's surprisingly hard to find.

Then I need to get all the endings on Silent Hill 1 I only got the Bad + ending.

Which is evidently a lot better than getting the worst ending, but I still need to get the Good ending and the Good + ending.

And the UFO ending.

Anyways, enough about Silent Hill, if you've read this far, congratulations.

So I had a girlfriend, her name was Ashley, we went out for a little over 6 months. Half a year, whatever, my relationships never last longer than that.

I broke up with her cause she changed so god damn much from when we started dating, and she turned into an alchoholic that would just get completely plastered with all her guy friends every weekend, it wasn't that I didn't trust her, cause I did, I just realized that I didn't want to be dating somebody who had those kinds of values, I just didn't want to date somebody who drinks so much, so we talked about it and broke up, I found out the hard what what alchoholism does to families.

Anyways, thats out of the way.

I'm still in a band, we've decided on the name Plataea, which were keeping, it's pronounced PLAH-TAY-AH

We have about 11 songs done now, which I'm really proud of all of them, the songs are all coming together so well, but our drummer isn't committed at all, so we might need to find a new one who can actually show up for band practice. (The sad part is band practise is at HIS house and he still can't even show up)

We only ask for one day a week of his time and he can't even show up for it.

We've been meaning to talk to him about it, but we're not ready yet.

Anyways, I could say that I might update later, which I probably, will, but I'd just be making some excuse so I don't have to keep typing.

Besides, how many people have actually read this far?

Oh yeah, and I changed my sig around and I even have an ANIMATED avatar.

I'm just ripping through the world of technology.

Maybe next I can get an animated banner or something.

Cause I made the one I have right now in MS Paint, seriously.

I felt so accomplished too, cause Heather is actually supposed to be on the left side of the picture, but I MS painted it to work, and fit into my banner.

If somebody wants to make me a pretty one though, I'm not complaining 8)

Well THAT answers tons of questions.

So I went to the doctors today cause my parents noticed I was acting kind of weird, and he tested me for depression and I scored EVERY single symptom down, so it turns out I'm clinically depressed, now I need to go see a psychiatrist, take anti-depressants, and take sleeping pills to help with the insomnia to come along with it. I honestly just thought it was grade 12 :p for some reason this news doesn't bother me all that much.

So I was looking around

And I came across Silent Hill 4, and under the quotes section, the one thing it said was. Quotes: [repeated line] Henry Townshend: What the hell? I like how they even said "repeated line" although, I think "excessivley every cutscene repetitively repeated line" would suit it better :P

Funny story.

So I went to the movie tonight, with my mother, as a little mother son outing (I know, how thoughtful of me). So in town (Cloverdale, where that television show Smallville and that new movie Deck The Halls were filmed)) we have this movie theatre, where it only costs $7 for two movies, and one movie was Happy Feet, for those who haven't heard of it, it's a computer animated movie about Penguins...who tap dance, rather cute. kinda some spoilers for it here... Anyhow, so were watching the movie, and as it progresses, we find out that this one regect penguin (Voiced by Elijah Wood) gets kicked out of the colony for tap dacing, where the penguins only sing, so tapping your feet to some major sweet tunes, sung out by this one fat penguin, voiced by that rapper fellow, Fat Joe, is considered wrong, and they get this kah-raaazy idea from the elder (Voiced by Mr. Smith, from The Matrix) that the fish shortage is being caused by his tap dancing, but he says not, it's not me, it's the aliens who are eating all the fish (They refer to the humans as aliens) and he sets out on this quest to stop the humans from eating all the fish with his mexican penguin friends (two voiced by Robin Williams) and eventually skip ahead, he gets caught, put in a zoo, but then tap dances, so they think to attach a tracker to him and release him so he'll take them to his colony and they can find out if all the penguins tap dance, they find them, they all tap dance, and the people get the idea that maybe they're trying to send out a message, somehow they find that the message is to stop eating all the fish, so they take back the information and all these high up people argue about taking all the fishermen out of the arctic sea so the penguins won't die out and eventually the bill gets passed and the fishermen leave. Well, as this was happening, I remembered Thora's last blog and leaned over to my mom and said "You see, in real life, the solution to this problem would be to club all the baby harp seals cause it's apparently their fault for eating all the fish..." I found it rather clever. I wish there were more people around to hear that one... I wish I could have camera's follow me know, so people could see my crazy shennanegans..

MAN Won't he just leave me ALONE?

Now's he's sending me messages from NEW accounts that he says he's made "Up the ying yang" Whats wrong with this guys mind?! I always thought having a stalker would be cool, but now I just want him to leave me alone, I reported him again, I really hope they'll ban his IP or something, I don't want to hear from him anymore, he's such a child. I never thought some loser over the internet could make my life such a bother, but I'm seriously appaled at some of the people in the world. I finally come home from work after a good day and I was feeling really happy, I thought it was finally over, and I came home to a message, and it didn't seem bad until I noticed it was that account that he said was alternate, and he said he has tons more cause they're easy to make, when I reported the message, does that mean that they'll read the message and see that he said that? Anyways, I started reading the message and stopped halfway through, once I realized it was the same old sad attempts at trying to beliddle me to increase his self esteem, so I sent him a message saying that I reported this one aswell, and that I didn't read it, and that I didn't plan on reading any other ones he's sent me in the future, I also ignored him. Hopefully he'll get the picture and get bored at the fact that he's not bothering me anymore and leave me alone. I'm sorry for bringing this up again, I promised I would make my entries more exciting, not more depressing or negative. Soooo, on a a brighter note, I bought a new Stephen King book from work today, it's called Cell, and it sounds really good, I'll read it once I get caught up with all my others, I'm buying them like video games, and I'm just as behind as I am with my video games. I also bought a bunch of M&M peanuts, and Honey Roasted peanuts, cause I've wanted them for AGES, and I'm such a fatty. :P I figured I'd try to finish up my loads of homework, and get caught up on my games while eating candy, plus I wanted to finish watching Trigun, which I've been watching again. ALSO, I'm learning Love Psalm on the guitar, it's so much fun, I love learning Silent Hill songs, I can also play Laura's Theme, Promise, End of Small Sanctuary, and Angels Thanatos on the guitar, probably more, I just can't think of them, and I can play Theme of Laura (Reprise) and Promise (Reprise) on the piano. I LOVE learning Silent Hill songs. Also, I organized all my games, and I added all my old Genesis games to my games list, I might have more, but I don't care to check them all over. TENNIS, I forgot tennis! Anyways, it earned me the Old-School, badge, which I find kind of neat, since I never actually earn a badge, unless it was by default (Thanksgiving, User-Video ect.) Other than that, I don't think I can think of anything at the moment. I hope I added enough people to my friends list, I would hate to leave people out, hopefully I'll be able to change it back eventually though. Also, I was curious as to whether I should add the Leaders of my unions to my tracked list, incase they want to read my page to get to know more about me since I'm in their union. I don't want them to think I'm creepy though. Anyways, I think this is about the longest entry I've made so far. I wish I had a blog header and made this a more fancy colour, but I don't really have the time, sorry, the next one I'll HTML the hell out of, I promise! :D

So I'm taking a bath, right....

And I'm reading my book (Skull Session, by David Hecht) ever so calmly and I get to this page and you can imagine my suprise when I come across this name  So the first thing I do, naturally, is close the book, finish up with my bath and take a picture to show everybody, since everybody who's on my friends list has most likley heard of Silent Hill 3's protagonist, knowing that this is the alias she is given by her father. Man that made me exited, it honestly made me even happier to have this book in my collection. If every book I read had some similarity to Silent Hill, man, I would keep them all forever. lol, this is funny Brittany spoke up. "Heather Mason Isn't old --- she's like, retarded or something." "She's not retarded, Brit," Janis said. "I understand she is a teenager with behavioural problems." It's funny, cause it fits. It's suprisingly entertaining to be reading this book while they talk about somebody completely different only with the same name. But hell, so far this is just a really good book in general.

If you're reading this, than your friends with me!

Due to recent issues, my profile has become friends only, and if your reading this, that must obviously mean your a friend of mine, in which case I say thank you, for accepting my friends request, I don't write very long journal entries, nor are they probably ever going to be rather exciting, but I might post videos, or something. I'll try to keep it as extremely entertaining as possible :)

I'm so confused

I wish everything wasn't so damn confusing. I wish everything would just stop until I could gather all my thoughts and be gone with them, I need more time to do stuff.
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