Y hallo thar
Basically I'm abandoning ship and going on a three-week trip in the wild
This consists of kayaking and hiking and all that jazz. It's for an outdoor ed credit and I'm doing it with a friend, so it should be pretty damn fun. I hope. We're not even a camping family so I hope I manage to survive the wild. I don't look forward to hanging out with a group of guys who haven't had showers in weeks, but it should be fun nonetheless. :P
I'll be active again in like three weeks, not that I've been doing much of anything on GameSpot these days. Too much summer fun to be had. I'm sure winter will rejuvinate the ol' gamer in me.
God, my blog posts aredull.
I'm really tired and packing for tomorrow morning, hence how incomprehensible this is. But if I managed to spell incomprehensible right (maybe I didn't) then I can't be too bad, no?
So, buh-bye. :)