SchoollyB's forum posts
You will not be disappointed.
skate. OR DIE!!!
EA skate.
Plenty of replay value online and off
EA skate. (Best PS3 Game)
NBA2K8 (Can't go wrong w/2K)
Fight Night Round 3 (Not bad for EA)
Virtua Tennis 3 (It's Sega demo was fun)
Mortal Kombat 2 ($5 classic)
Tough one-either L.A. Noire or GTA IV!!!
Both R*
1. EA skate. Best game ever!!!
2.Kane & Lynch Dead Men Most underrated game of '07!!! Who cares what the Sheeple think! Online is fun and addicting!!!
3.Fight Night Round 3 Never thought I would put 2 EA games in one list. Boxing looks pretty!
4.Any 2K game You can't go wrong with NBA2K8!
5.Resistance:FOM Solid launch title, nice framerate, and reliable online play (1-40 players)
Get what you like you will be the one playing them, we all know we have different tastes
Assassin's Creed would have replaced Fight Night if Ubisoft had not rushed out such a crap game with serious freezing issues! Oh well!!! No flame war! My game has frozen over 20 times and I don't even want to hear "My copy plays fine" or "Download the patch."
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