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Schulzygrl Blog

My Dog, Pip

Last night around 11:05 p.m. I got a call from my mom telling me that my dog, Pip, had just died. While I have been expecting this call, she was very sick, it really knocked the wind out of me. And while I still haven't broken down and cried yet, I always feel like I'm on the edge of a total breakdown. I was hoping that Pip would wait for me to get home this weekend but I guess that she decided it was her time and I have to be content with that. This is the first time since going to college, three years ago, that I wish I was home instead of here. To make matters worse, today is my boyfriends birthday so I do not want to tell him the bad news (he loved Pip like his own dog) but I'm afraid that if I do not tell him that he will me mad at me...but I also don't want to ruin his day, he has been so excited for today for like a week. I guess that it is a good thing that she is gone because now she isn't sick anymore and is able to run around and such, she was an old dog, at least 10, we don't really know how old she was since she was a stray that we picked up. That's about all I have to say about that. RIP: Pip: 1998-Oct 7th, 2008

Other things, I am going home this weekend and since the internet is horrible there, I will probably not be very active, although I will try. Also anyone interested in joining a RPG/Shooter union, if so comment below and/or contact GamerDude911, we need like two more people.

What else would I do at 3:36 am?

So it is the weekend here and while I spent the night (mostly) doing homework and stuff my roomie went to a club and just got home and is totally wasted. I knew this was going to happen so I stayed up reading to make sure she was able to take care of herself. While she is okay, she asked me to make her a pizza, I did....and now she is passed out before the pizza is even out of the oven. Poor girl she had a rough night I guess. I kinda wish that I had gone, but my bf is not to keen on me going to clubs without him and since he is back at his parents house for the weekend, homework and I got to know each other pretty well. Anyway the timer just went off so I should go get the pizza. Talk to you guys later.


Improvements to games/New games

So while I love my Wii I have some issues with the direction they took some of the games. Here is my list of demands (lol):

SSBB: HAVE DOWN-LOADABLE CHARACTERS!!!!!! I mean come on, the Wii can get on-line so why not right?? How awesome would it be to be able to play as like Raiden (from MGS) or you know even Final Fantasy characters (like Tifa or Barret etc).

Also it would be cool to be able to play as your Mii and for their super smash have all the other Miis that are on your Wii fly out of nowhere and hit everyone. Super cool. Also if they did that they could have added like a training option to like buff your Mii up.

MARIO KART: HAVE DOWN-LOADABLE TRACKS! I really think that the Wii does not take enough advantage of its Internet capability. It would be awesome to play on every track ever made for any Mario Kart game.

I have other rants about games but let me move on to new games I would like to see.

POKEMON SNAP 2: I love the old Pokemon Snap, it is just a fun game, one that you could play for hours and not even know. With the new Wii Motes it would be even more awesome to point and click. Nintendo could also make like a stupid camera addition for the remote (and you know how Nintendo loves those kind of gimmicks). And while I'm talking about Pokemon....

A POKEMON MMO (using the Wii): While I am not a fan of MMO's I would probably break down and buy this game since I love Pokemon. Also, I know of a few people who want to see this game and this is the only reason why I added into the list.


SOME GOOD RPG: As I look at the Wii titles that I are there, I am not impressed. In fact I don't think that there is a game out there that gives me the I-just-have-to-have-this-game feeling. And since I love RPG's they need to do it up. Like a FF game or KH or something.

Alright that's about all I have to say about that. Thanks for reading and sorry about the lame blogs I've posted recently.


EDIT: For SSBB I would also like to have Mewtwo brought back, Nuckles and Tails from Sonic the Hegdehog, Dr. Mario (or at least have Mario have a costume that looks just like Dr. Mario.) Along with Solid Snake I would have liked to see: Raiden (who could be not as strong but faster than SS) they could have Liquid Snake (the exact same as SS) and maybe even Solidest (sp) Snake (stronger than SS but not as fast). Lastly I wish that all the stages ever made for and Super Smash game be had. Thats about it I guess....for now.

Back at school

So I'm back at school and even though I have to go to class, study and do other college related things, I find that I have more time then I do in the summer. And along with the added time I have on my hands, I also have super fast, super awesome internet. So with all of these factors I am now able to be more active and such *YAY*!!

I guess that is about all, but before I leave I have to say that for my birthday my boyfriend got me that Cloud with Hardy-Daytona figure and it is awesome!


Tagged, Birthday, and Vacations

So I got "tagged" a while ago so I have to write 10 random things about myself, lets get that out of the way first before I talk about anything else.

1. I just got back from vacation

2. I'm really happy to be back.

3. I'm never going on another vacation with them ever again.

4. I love pokemon.

5. And Zelda.

6. And Final Fantasy.

7. I saw "The Dark "Knight" moive and it was awesome.

8. I'm gonna be 21 on July 28th.

9. I have a few more trips coming up.

10. I love animals.

So you might have noticed that I made my 10 random things kinda about what I wanted to blog about. First I'm gonna be 21 soon and that it really exciting for me. Also sorry about not being around this past week, I was on vacation and the internet was kinda sucky in one of the hotels we stayed in. Also this weekend I am going to be in Maine and will not have internet there so I wont be around this weekend either. And my last vacation is gonna in August 9-16 and I wont have internet then either. I'm sorry about all these vacations that take me away from y'all but I really am looking forward to these ones and will hopefully actually have a good time. Okay I guess thats about it, I have to go to work now, sorry.


Swim lessons, Sunburns and being busy

Today was the first day of swim lessons, and while I thought that the nice base tan I had worked up these past weeks of life guarding would hold up under the burning sun, I was wrong. But the good news is, it isn't as bad as last year. That and I don't think I'm even gonna peel, it's just gonna turn into a tan in a few days. If I wear sunscreen for the rest of the week, and next week.

It would have been hard not to get a sunburn today, even if I had on sunscreen since I had 4 hours of lessons then 5 hours of lifeguarding right after it. Oh well, tomorrow I only have 4 hours of lessons and 3.5 hours of life guarding *YAY*

I'm not making too much sense since I'm really tired. I'm sorry for the horrible blog but I just wanted everyone to know that since lessons started up, I'm going to be working over 40 hours a week and probably won't be on as much as I would like. Sorry hope y'all are having a good summer (or whatever season it is there).


Summer and Spirits Within

This summer I have two jobs, one as a lifeguard and in the other I teach kids how to swim. It's nice being in the sun all the time and I like how I'm getting my tan back. When I'm not working, I am either with my bf or trying not to do work on my mom's farm, she is crazy, like should be locked up crazy. But what can ya do? I'm also turing 21 on the 28th of July so that should be fun. Other than that I'm just hanging around playing videogames.

I recently watched Final Fantasy: Spirits Within, why isnt this movie talked about more? Its awesome, I know that it is not what most people think about when they think of Final Fantasy but that is one of the reasons its so awesome. I've heard from a few people that it was good and when I saw it at a store for $5 I had to get it. And I'm glad I did. I think that they need to make some more movies like it, I also love how there are kinda big name actors for some of the voices, just so cool. Anyway I guess thats all for now, talk to y'all later.


so yea...

I'm sorry that I havent been around for awhile but I wanted to let everyone know that its not b/c I don't care, it is b/c my boyfriend's grandpa died. Besides having to deal the my own emotional turmoil (he was like a grandpa to me) I've had to be there for my boyfriend and he hasnt been taking it very well, as you can expect. I've just been wrecked by this experience and I've been a total space cadet (as in I'm not here). I'm sorry if this caused any inconvience, but I will try to get back into gear within a week (it might take until after the funeral..on the 14th) Other than that, sorry and hope everything is going better for y'all.

I'm sorry in advance

Hey eveyone, I just wanted to let y'all know that I'm home and I forgot how horrible my internet connection is. It took me about 10 minutes to log on and get to this site. I wanted to say sorry to everyone if my activity goes down because it is such a pain to get online.

Anyway I'm already bored here, so I might just have to deal with the horrible connection so that there is something to do...Okay I better go before my comp kicks me off...I still have to visit all the unions!!


Going home

This week I handed in all eight of my essays that were due, completed all my finals, and packed up my room. I'm sitting here in my empty dorm room waiting for my is really sad. I love it here at college and I don't really want to go home but I have too I guess. At least I can get back to work and make lots of money :) I added some images a while ago, the one of me and my bf is the most recent, we went to the bruins game, it was awesome. The other ones are about a year old but whatever, I don't take pictures very well, my face needs to be in motion in order to look good. ;)

Anyway I guess I should pack up my comp so that I'm ready when the boy gets here, I'll talk to everyone prob tomorrow!


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