Well, not all of it, but most of it. Just a whole lotta' unoriginality.
Except for one title: Enslaved.
I think this game has surpassed Bayonetta and Grand Theft Auto IV as my most anticipated game of all-time.
It's just absolutely perfect; in terms of design, it has everything I could ever ask for in a video game:
- Post-apocalyptic setting
- Vibrant color palette
- Interesting and emotional characters/character relationships
- Loosely based off of Journey to the West
The story cinematics and presentation will be top notch, as I expect nothing less from the developers of Heavenly Sword, especially since they're re-recruited Andy Serkis (Lord Bohan, Heavenly Sword; Gollum, The Lord of the Rings). If they do the gameplay right, it could very well be my game of the year, stomping out Bayonetta, which is still near and dear to my heart.
Also, Fallout New Vegas, Motorstorm Apocalypse, Twisted Metal and Portal 2 look great. Only worthwhile happening at E3 was GLADoS' surprise appearance.
I literally screamed, like a little girl.
So yeah... awesome.
This is not a full blog because it's 3 AM and I really don't feeling like typing much since not much has happened anyway.
So I'm going to bed... good night.