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Everyone hates 3.00 :D

Including me.

But before I go into that, anime:

Recently Finished
- Higashi no Eden (bang.)
- D. Gray-man (Best shounen ever.)
- Asura Cryin' (Needs season 2.)

Recently Started
- Zero no Tsukaima (Harry Potter's incredibly stupid, but this show's great.)
- Birdy the Mighty Decode
- Xam'd (Again... I tried buying it on PSN a while ago, but nothing on the video store is worth the money.)
- Needless
- Heroic Age (Not as stupid as it sounds.)
- Solty Rei
- Claymore

My Rant on 3.00
So firmware update 3.00 has landed on a PS3 near you. The problem?

People hyped it into the ground and then beat it senseless with a really, really hard stick. Holy crap does this update suck. And where is the promised voice messaging option?

This is why I hate Sony, they give us a bunch of crap we don't NEED. The whole "What's New" thing is completely POINTLESS.

"Hey! I know! Let's put up a section that shows what they recently played so they can launch their game from there INSTEAD OF PRESSING THE LEFT D-PAD BUTTON A COUPLE TIMES AND GOING OVER TO 'GAME' TO LAUNCH BECAUSE THAT TAKES WAAAAAAAAAAAY TOO MUCH TIME!"



Gaming Progress
In other news, I'm close to the WipEout plat. After the 3.00 update, I magically went from 64% to 74%. For any of you pilots, I've only got Bling Brigade and Elite Campaign Legend to do and I've got platinum. Elite Campaign Legend is coming along nicely... I've got elite gold medals in every cell except for 5 or 6 of them in the Meltdown event.

I also hear that 1up did a new preview on Bayonetta and apparently the PS3 version was blurry and has horrible framerate issues. This frightens me, it really does.

When I read it on the Bayonneta GFaqs forums, my heart sank. It pretty much ruined my day.

1up says that there's still time for Platinum Games to fix it before the January 2010 release here in the states, but I don't know... regardless of its problems, it's still my most anticipated game above all else.

If I get only one game the rest of my life, Bayonetta is it.

...aaaannd that about wraps up everything.

Oh, before I'm done, random picture and tune of the week:

(This picture will only matter if you care about Bayonetta)

Tune of the Week: The Suicide Machines - Look Before You Leap

[The video's really lame, but it was the only video of that song I could find on youtube.]