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Fallout Fallout Fallout Fallout Fallout Fallout Fallout


After hating Oblivion, who would have thought I would be so addicted to Fallout? There's something about this game that's incredibly.. fun. Oblivion managed to bore me to tears but this game is somehow able to keep itself interesting, and of my three recent purchases, has - surprisingly - become my most played title.

I've also been playing the Episodes from Liberty City DLC for GTAIV, which have renewed my love for this game. I was one of the minority that respected Rockstar for the bold new direction they took the Grand Theft Auto franchise and the new DLC content is nothing short of greatness.



lol, Fallout.


Everything Else--

Been trying to get my licensed renewed lately, but I want to get up early and beat the lines at the DMV and I keep waking up late because I keep staying up playing GTAIV and/or Fallout.

I've been listening to a bunch of 50's swing and jazz because of Fallout.

I changed my desktop wallpaper to that picture of the Brotherhood of Steel guy because of... Fallout.

I haven't been posting very much in the PS3 forum because of Fallout.

I saw Walk the Line on TV the other day and noticed that everyone was wearing Fallout clothes. No explosions, gore or vaults in that movie - was sorely disappointed.

Guess why this blog is so short.

Tune of the Week: Danny Kaye with the Andrew Sisters - Civilization