I've recently abandoned Fallout 3 for Battlefield BC2. Great multiplayer - much better than Modern Warfare 2, no matter how addictive it was.
Engineer is super fun and the large scale battles aren't as bad as I expected, but the medic really is overpowered when it comes to points. Too many stupid people on this game, too. I think it's because a lot of them are coming from MW2, so they're still in the mindstate where only they matter and that Rambo's way is the only way.
Aside from that, the game is great. Sound design is excellent - probably the best this generation for me. DICE has a really good sound engineering team on their hands. The multiplayer, aside from the medic, is balanced and fair. There are things that I miss from MW2, like killcams, but I can live without them.
Although I will say this: M60 USERS CAN GO DIE IN A FIRE.
That is all.
I'll probably use it too once I unlock it, but I'll stick to demolitions for now.
Just finished:
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu!
Short review: Standard "guy likes popular girl, popular girl likes guy but childhood friend (girl) gets in the way" school-life story. Oh, and summon monster things. Nothing too special about it, otherwise. Somewhat corny attempts at slapstick humor, but some of it is actually chuckle worthy.
Short review: Somehow, the two main characters go from running into each other in the first few episodes to a deep relationship full of tears and kisses in the last episode. This would be ok, but the thing is... where was the relationship development? lol, There was no progression between the two whatsoever throughout the series, forcing the viewer to just "pretend" they got closer.
Story was ok, though... a lot better than some of the other school-life comedy romances I've seen. I definitely didn't see the last "twist" coming, either.
Tokimeki Memorial -Only Love-
Short review: Pacing is off - it bursts out of the gate sprinting, only to lose stamina midway and slow to an almost painstaking crawl, but somehow it still manages to finish strong, if not somewhat abruptly. There's closure though, so I was happy.
[spoiler] I raged when he actually moved away. LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS NEVER WORK. [/spoiler]
Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight
Short review: LOL. Just LOL. A slice of life on par with the likes of K-On!.
Recently started:
- Pita Ten
- Prism Ark
Everything Else--
So the other day I ordered some pizza from Domino's. Usually we go to a smaller "mom & pop" parlor close by because it's cheaper, but it was raining so I didn't feel like going out to pick it up.
Glad I did, though, because I managed to order a meal that would have normally been $61.54 for $34.40. That's a steal right?
Thanks to this nifty little site here:
I found a bunch of coupon codes (I ordered the pizza from Domino's website) that I was able to use in combination with the coupons already on Domino's website to knock the order to half its original price. I was pretty stoked.
Just thought I'd share that with my fellow consumers, so happy saving.