Ok, so here's the skivvy:
Just saw a friend I haven't seen in a while, but I've got him on my PSN and we message each other every now and then. His girlfirend, who he has been with on and off is finally pregnant, but with another guy's kid. (yeah, no surprise there.) Anyway, he gave me free games when he came over because he didn't like them.
(Please note that back when he bought his PS3, he had just gotten $80,000 from his Native American tribe thing for turning 18, then spent it on a bunch of stupid stuff, including video games, a car, unnecessary furniture for his - not house - ROOM, etc.)
The games included:
-Resistance 2
-Turning Point: Fall of Liberty (?)
-Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
-Street Fighter IV
-Ninja Gaiden Sigma
-Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
-Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
-The Darkness
-Army of Two
(See what I did there? I evenly distributed the good games amongst the crap ones so that the whole list looked really good from farther away.)
So yeah, he's an idiot who, once upon a time, spent all his money on crap games because he doesn't bother to do research first, but I'm the winner here, so whatever.
I like Resistance 2, and it isn't as disappointing as everyone said it was (PS3 boards), but then again, I didn't hype it. Street Fighter IV is actually pretty good, also. Been playing it with GreenGoblin and MusashiSensi, both of which spank me, but it's all good.
I've taken a particularily keen interest in Crimson Viper-
She's fun to play and stuff. I think it's also the glasses.. I think that's my thing: glasses. My last two exes had glasses, which I don't believe to be coincidental..
Anyway, yeah..
Not much else to say, as everything in my life has been pretty calm, so I leave you all with the-
Tune of the Week:
The Suicide Machines - New Girl
Kudos to anyone who can guess what game it was from.