Yeah, I'm back.
Although, one of ours is gone. Well, if you participate in the random chatter and nonsense of the Playstation 3 boards on a regular basis, then you should know who I'm talking about.
Let us all please bow our heads in a moment of silence in memory our dear friend Token..
(Don't worry though, he said something about... yeah, well, you know.)
Anyway, while I was gone I did some stuff with the family, hung out with other friends and caught up on my gaming. I was so bored, in fact, that I've decided to play through Uncharted on hard mode.
I never do that. Ever.
I have never, for any video game I've ever played, gone back and played on hard mode. Now, I'm not exactly a casual gamer, but I don't really like challenge if it means I'm not getting through the story. Since I know Uncharted's story, I decided "wth?" and to my surprise, I actually really like it on hard mode.
I've only played it on easy, and to be honest, I died more on easy than I do in hard mode. The game really forces you to use cover, or to be more exact, play the game right.
I might start playing all my games on hard when I first get them, provided it's an option.
Oh, and this will probably be my last blog before the New Year, so-
Have a Happy Holiday and a Happy New Years!
My resolution is to be happier. More "nice" to people. lol...
Oh, and cutting down on the swearing. I do realize I'm an idiot, but that doesn't mean I'd like everyone around me to immediately know it. :lol: