As I was creating this blog, I just noticed that I got emblems for tuning in to E3... which is funny, because I missed all of it and had to get my info from the forums, lol.
I was graduating that week and I had a bunch of stuff to do in terms of school and crap; i.e. finals, paying off fines & fees, saying goodbye to people, hanging out with a bunch of them one last time.
Speaking of school, class of '09 baby. Hell yeah. I'm so done with school and I'm now excited for... school. Oh, what's that you say? I have to pay for it now? Goodie! That's a load off my chest... for a second there, I thought it would be free.
Anyway, I'm sure I'll do better this time around because iit's art school, and not free.
I pretty much graduated high school by the skin of my teeth and proved to myself that if I'm paying for the class, I do better. I had to take an online course for a semester of math I failed my sophomore year, but they screwed up my credits and didn't tell me I needed to do it until halfway through second semester.
Guess what?
I finished a semester long class in 2 weeks.
I know, badass, right?
If they made a video game about me, it'd probably insanely boring for the first 4-5 hours before getting exciting with BAH-BAH-BAH-BAYSPLOSIONS and plot twists. It'd be called Procrastination: The Last Minute.
But yeah... I don't know if you guys really read these things. I'm just really bored, so I guess I'm talking to myself. Oh well... anyway, thanks for wasting your life with me.
Let's do this again sometime... all 2 of you.
Tune of the Past Two Months: Ben Lee - Catch my Disease
P.S. I got a haircut that's so short, my hair has a habit of forming a fauxhawk, even though I have curly/wavy hair, so I pretty much just straighten it and do it up that way.