I finished Metal Gear Solid 4 about a month ago, but didn't get around to typing a blog on it until today.
I played 3, 2, 1 then 4.
I wanted to do things in chronological order.
This game is probably the biggest, most epicly told story I have ever had the privelege to experience in my 17 years of life. I'm sure there are stories out there that may be arguably better, but this takes the cake for being the best of what I've seen, read or played.
He told an epic story of which he completely tied all up in the last installment.
This series is easily the most meaningful of any video game series, as any player can tell you that they've come away from it feeling like they just had an experience in their life, rather than just wasted 12 or so hours on video games.
It's a video game with themes such as war, love, morality, death, life, fate, science, truth, etc.
It's amazing how Kojima was able to pull something this epic off.
He could very well be the Shakespeare of our time (Though, not as poetic).