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Perfection Ist.

Keep in mind that this is just me and not everybody; be sure to have an open mind while reading this.

I hear people talk all the time about how classic games like Final Fantasy VII are amazing and much better than today's stuff, but honestly, how many of you actually return to those video games just to play them? Yeah, I thought so. Not many of you. I mean, I know I don't. But then again, just because it's great doesn't mean you'd play it more than once, right?

Well, how does that explain CoD4? I love CoD4. It excels in many aspects, most notable of which, is online. I can come back and play that over and over and easily takes up 15 hours of my week. It may be the satisfaction of of smashing people and knowing they're going "Dammit..." somewhere else on the planet, but whatever it is, why doesn't it work on other titles?

After I beat Assassin's Creed, I didn't go back to it. It's just the kind of game you play once and you're done. But, I'm also not one of those perfectionists who have to go through the game collecting every little thing to get 100% finished. I mean, it's just a video game. So why do people go through all that trouble in the first place? You play the story and you're done. It's not like the collectibles will advance the story or anything.

Maybe I just have a short attention span and I'm part of a handful of gamers who don't go back and do that stuff.

Oh well.

That's my point.

Take it.