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Playstation 3 Survey

It's located in the Playstation 3 forums, if you want to check it out.

I'm conducting it because lately people have been getting "Disc Read Errors" (DRE) and that "Yellow Light of Death" thing.

Not a lot of people, but enough to make me concerned for the well-being of my system.

So I decided to ask the Gamespot community a couple of questions just to see how they handle their PS3's and if any of that data can be linked to whatever is giving them Disc Read Errors, and why some of them just happen overnight.

After this current survey dies, I'm going to do another one that focuses more on DRE.

Note: I'm not trying to get exact data to find the exact problem. It's just something small to see what people are doing, and it shouldn't be taken too seriously.


I just want to know whether the DRE happens because of the system, or because of the consumer.