I just played the demo of Pure and I was actually quite impressed. I haven't been persuaded to buy a game because of a demo, but Pure just may be the first.
The one thing that stood out to me though, was its use of Drum & Bass.
PURE, an off road racing game, is using D&B the same way Motorstorm did. Now, I'm not calling foul. I'm just pointing out something that I noticed.
Even more so because the song I heard in the demo was the second song in the Motorstorm: Pacific Rift trailer which debuted in Liepzig this year.
I just thought it was an interesting coincidence. Especially since I haven't heard any D&B in any video games since Midnight Club: DUB Edition and Need for Speed: Most Wanted.
Oh, and interesting fact: The very first game to use Drum & Base inspired (not licensed) music was Ape Escape for the PSx.
By the way, my next blog entry will most likely be about my top 5 video game soundtracks.
So uhh...
Stay tuned.