Gaming-- First thing's first: Bayonetta platinum. I actually got it like... two weeks ago, but because of my last blog I wasn't able to include the regular updates. Well, it was fun... not really as hard as I had hoped, but it's a platinum. There's still quite a lot left to do beyond platinum, like collecting Tears of Blood and unlocking hidden weapons and the hidden boss, which I hear is super hard, so that'll be fun. I also need to complete the Lost Chapter but I'll get to that eventually... Just bought these a few days ago: They should be arriving in a week or so, sooo... woopee. ___________________________________________________ Anime-- Recently finished Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu, which I liked, and a few others that I can't care to remember. Soon after I started watching Mahoraba, Kaijutsu Oujo and Gun x Sword. GxS is no where within the realm of my tastes - I'm only watching it because my uncle won't shut up about it. He likes the action-y stuff. He'll skip whole parts of an episode just to get to the fight - all he needs to know is who the bad guy is and who the good guy is. None of the characterization or plot interests him, he just likes the explosions, the transformations, the screaming, the blood, the big swords, the supernatural powers, etc. Haven't kept up with Durarara! though... sadface. :[ ___________________________________________________ Everything Else-- I've been cooking meals lately. I never really did that before, but it's actually a lot of fun experimenting... been playing around with regular dishes lately. I made Pancit the other day with Shiitake mushrooms and shrimp and it was absolutely horrible, but somehow my mom and uncle loved it. (Shiitake is gross, don't eat that ****.) They do eat weird food though... anyway, it's been fun playing around with the spices that mom never uses and I think I might have even found a new hobby ...if you can call it that. Uhh... the Cantonese is coming along swimmingly.. I'm only on chapter 2 after having Rosetta Stone for about a month now because I've been to busy to really sit down and use it, so I'm forced listen to the chapter 1 audio tapes over and over. Anyway, uhh.... yeah. That's all. Thanks for reading? Yeah... reading.. thanks. Tune of the Week: Creedence Clearwater Revival - Have You Ever Seen the Rain?
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