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WipEout HD platinum and other stupid stuff


Instead of starting with anime, I'm starting with gaming because I've just gotten my first platinum the other day and it was for WipEout HD. Very, very fun to do. I tfeels even better because it's one of the platinums that people complain about most, along with Killzone 2 and SOCOM.

I wasn't much of a trophy whore to begin with, but I can certainly see why people like that exist. I still feel like the only games that I should get platinum for are the ones I really like, so I won't be playing Hannah Montana or Terminator Salvation anytime soon.

I also managed to get the 8th fastest time in the world on the Amphiseum track on Flash in a Single Race event... but enough of my e-peen stroking. I'm done bragging for now, lol.

If I had my own mountain top, I'd yell about this platinum.



Recently Started:
- Ga-Rei Zero
- Hatsukoi Limited

Recently Finished:
- Birdy the Might Decode ***
- Zero no Tsukaima

* (WHAT THE HELL WAS UP WITH THIS CRAP? THIS WAS SUCH A GREAT SHOW THEN THEY DRIVE IT INTO THE GROUND NEAR THE END. I was so disappointed. I went through the whole show watching Birdy and Tsutomu's relationship develop THEN SHE FALLS FOR SOME "Jumper" WANNABE? And what's up with not showing Nagasuki and Tsutomu's reunion?! God, LAME.)


* (But God damnit, the fight scenes in the show are incredibly delicious to watch.)

This ^ is me going through a rollercoaster of emotions.


Everything Else--

A friend and I have decided to write a story together.

We were talking on MSN recently and she said how she wanted to meet a mafia guy one day and be his friend, then I made a joke about a fake trailer that, for some reason, got her more interested:

What if you didn't know anything about the only person you could trust?

(boom, bang bang bang, other various onomatopoeia)

What if the only person you had was the person you sought revenge after?

"No! No, please don't kill me! Plea-aaggghhh guuuurrrrggghhhh fjrlearefgrfrwfqr..."

What if the only person who cared for you ruined your life?

"Hi, my name's Mina. What's yours?"

"Get lost kid."

This summer, witness the heartwarming tale of how a sinner harboring a dark past finds retribution through a young girl...

"Here... it's my grandmother's. Don't lose it or I'll kill you."

"Wow! You're giving this to me?"

...and how his dark past catches up to him.

"No! You don't have to do this anymore, Vincenzo! I know you! You're a nice person!"

"NO! I'm nothing but a murderer... JUST GO OR YOU'LL DIE TOO!"

From the acclaimed director of "Down the Hall, Last Door on Your Left" and "Who Used My Toothbrush?" comes the latest addition to the "The F in Mafia Stands for Fun" series...

(boom boom bang zip pow onomatopoeia explosion car chase scene blah blah blah craziness shouting)

"We Lied, Being in the Mafia Isn't Actually Fun."

(bang boom zip sex scene gun shot)


What do YOU think 'F' stands for?

(June 2015)


Totally awesome, right?

Tch, I know. It's going to be a book, then when (if? lol no, when.) it becomes a New York Times best-seller, they'll make a sweet movie that won't do the book justice.

Afterwards, I'll probably be elected president.


Tune of the Week: Billy Talent - This is How It Goes