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Yellow Light of Death: A Blessing in Disguise?

Ok, so as some of you may know, my PS3 recently got its own version of this:

Fact of the matter is: Yellow Light of Death can get anyone. It's a matter of time, not a matter of how well you take care of your PS3, because I treated mine like an infant, so you can very well assume that this was a slap in the face.

Not only that, but right after the day I reserve Modern Warfare 2. Awesome right? Now there's an unopened MW2 in my collection.

So, because of this, I've been spending a lot of time with my old PS2 games that, even with backwards compatability on my 80GB PS3, I never played; in particular, this game:

It was from playing through this game that I realized how utterly JRPG deprived I've been this gen, despite having Valkyria Chronicles. (I love the game, but SRPGs just isn't my thing.)

I first got this little gem when I was about 12, and as far as I was concerned, Sin = bad guy; that was all there was to it. There are a lot of themes and relationships in it that I couldn't understand back then, but I can truly appreciate now, especially Tidus & Yuna. You could probably blame this on anime.. if it wasn't for anime, I wouldn't be into this kind of drama.

Point is: I was able to get emotionally invested with the characters this time around because I had the mental capacity to understand what their motives were and their relations with the people around them, thus making the game a much, much more enjoyable experience.

My next goal is to go through Final Fantasy X-2 and find out if Yuna finds him, because I never beat this one. I remember Jak II had come out around the same time, so FFX-2 was pushed to the side.

Anyway, FFX has renewed my interest in JRPGs, so you can color me hyped for FFXIII, and possibly Vs. XIII.


So yeah, I'll be getting a job sometime soon, then I'll get a PS3 when I get around to it. I'll still be getting the collector's edition of Bayonetta this Christmas, regardless of whether or not I have a PS3 by then.

It'll just give me another new game to open with my brand new PS3 Slim, no?

Lesson: There's always a silver lining.

Tune of the Week: Gym (C)lass Heroes - New Friend Request