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Don't really know what to talk about, and sorry if my blog header misled you into thinking that I would be writing about something interesting this time because... lol, surprise!

I gotta get you in here somehow, right?

Uhhhmmmmm.... oh, I guess I should do this since I *****ed about it in my last blog:


Remember that one chick who got all anal about how I was being dead at her little shindig? Yeah, that one. Well I called her and, sure enough, no one picked up. As eggmcmuff suggested, I left her a message that would require her to make the next move... and well, she hasn't called back yet.

It's been two days.

Maybe she didn't get it... oh well... I'll try again tomorrow.

Oh, and Stacy is back home in my garage where she belongs. (I named my truck... so what?)


Because it's my blog, right? And you're dying to know about what happens in my life, or something...

Anyway just finished Toradora! and Minami-Ke, but I'm going to post a picture of Toradora! because I liked it better. I don't like having blogs with just words because words are aesthetically boring.

Ahhhh, what else, what else...

Oh yeah, if you have a PS3 and need a good place to stream anoomay, is the best place to do it.

Some of the videos are such good quality that even enlarging the video is basically as good as watching it on cable/satellite/antennae.

Also, I have a lot of flies in my house. I'm looking at the ceiling in the office right now and there's four, as well as one on the door.

Every other hour I'll go on a fly killing spree and run around my house like an idiot. They're annoying. They land on your face and limbs and food with absolutely no regard for personal space.

What's the point of flies anyway? If God exists, why would he create something so unessential?

Egh... I digress...

I've taken a keen interest in WipEout HD too, if you haven't noticed. The game's rich with history and manages to blend my favorite genre of music with an artshtyle that mimicks my own: futuristic, technological, etc. I'd show you what I mean but I don't have any of my drawings done yet, as I'm busy trying to get platinum for this game. I got Zone Zeus easy, it's just the Beat Zico trophy that's breaking my back. It'll come with time, though, right?

This will have to do:

[Photorealistic, much?]

Mmmm... and with that, I bid you all.... adieu.

Tune of the Week: DJ Fresh - The Pink Panther

(In regards to the tune: I don't care if you don't like Drum & Bass, just listen to it for the sake of hearing the guy rip up that flute. It's ****ing intense.)