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A Letter

Duke Nukem

Dear Duke Nukem,There was a time when I was awaiting your newest release back in 1997 when your sequel was finally announced and eagerly I would scan for news about your return in magazines and articles but you never showed up again. Many years passed Duke, many years of you fading out of my memories but never my heart. I remembered the fun we used to have on the N64, fighting those alien scum that shot down your ride and rescuing all those babes in distress.

Many Moons and E3's passed until you showed up on my doorstep once more with a teaser trailer of Duke Nukem Forever. It was only about a minute long but that's what teaser trailers are for. I was excited once more to kick ass and chew bubble gum; hope was restoring in our friendship. Then the politics set in.

I heard you got cancelled, I heard you would never be released, "Duke Nukem Never" was what they called your sequel. I didn't want to believe it, nothing could stop Duke Nukem. Admist all the controversy of your sequel ever being released you amazed us once more with concept pictures. But wait, Duke, it's 2009 now, concept should be long gone by now if your sequel started in '97, you should at least have some demos! This was not the case, the hope for your sequel finally faded away and now your company is being sued for never completing the game and failing to fulfill the contract. Some say it's just a giant marketing manuever to pretend your sequel isn't going to be released, but after all these years I can't see how you can make a comeback anymore.

Farewell Duke Nukem, I'm sorry your sequel never had a chance, I can't bet on you this time.

With warm regards and some bubble gum,
