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Anticipated Titles of 2010

Mass Effect 2

Mass effect 2

Who wouldn't be excited about this upcoming game? Maybe only the ones that missed out on the first one but no one really should have, it was a great Sci-Fi action RPG and the sequel is supposed to improve on everything making it an early contender for Game of 2010. It's Bioware, do they ever do us wrong?

Battlefield: Bad Company 2

bad company 2

The first Bad Company showcased the Frostbite Engine which meant basically everything in the world could be blown up and it did not disappoint. Bad Company 2 has already announced that the Engine will be much improved over the previous title and recently just announced was the new squad deathmatch mode that allows several small squads compete in one big multiplayer game. Should be awesome, it also might pull me away from Modern Warfare 2 for awhile.

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction


Does Tom Clancy even know how awesome his games are or that they are still being made? He should know about this one because I'm sure a lot of players are following the news on it. Returning with a co-op mode and a Sam Fisher that is more agile and brutal (even though he should be pretty old now if you follow the timeline) looking for his daughters killer. If you've seen the movie Taken, just imagine Liam Neeson's character as Sam Fisher: an old badass.

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker


After playing the demo I can't praise this game much more. Following the story of Naked Snake or "Big Boss" in Costa Rica as he attempts to discover an unknown military group that has taken over. Bringing an excellent cooperative game into the mix and the ability to choose your loadout or "suit," Peace Walker is sure to please many fans old and new.

Pokemon Heart Gold/ Soul Silver


Anybody who has played the original Pokemon Gold/Silver on the Gameboy has to be excited about this game! They were probably the best in the series and they are about to be improved for the Nintendo DS. Any old fan that now thinks they are too cool for Pokemon come to my house and tell me you aren't excited for this game with a straight face or I won't believe you.

Halo: Reach

halo reach

I've always been a fan of Halo and the idea of a game revolved around the Spartans is even more exciting. Set to hopefully be released in Fall of 2010 and the multiplayer beta is being released earlier it is sure to keep players satisfied until the official launch.