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November: Renting Spree

A little late, I know, but my website was down where I post this for a couple days so I couldn't do the copy/paste.

It's time to get down to business. Games were coming out at a rapid place and I still wanted to catch up on a few titles in the past that I never got around to so I did what I used to back in the N64 days: rent games like crazy. A few actually turned into a buy, a good addition to my collection.

I started out the month fresh off Halloween with the scariest game I've played to date; Dead Space. Although it is a little short the atmosphere of the game and the crazy aliens/mutations you encounter make you jump out of your seat (I did anyway) especially if you play with the lights out. I like the idea of being able to playthrough the game again with your upgraded equipment and weapons, keeps the replay value high and keeps achievement whores, like me, satisfied and now I'm ready for Dead Space 2.

The next game on the rent list was Medal of Honor. I thought Dead Space was a little short but Medal of Honor topped that list. I think I finished it in a week, maybe less. The campaign was excellent, I really liked the story and the characters but it just ended very suddenly. I didn't get much into the multiplayer but with that and the Tier One mode it has some replay value but it wasn't anything really up my alley, I was happy enough to try it out.

The month ended with two more rents that I still have yet to make it through: Goldeneye 007 and Alan Wake. With Goldeneye I was finally able to dust off the Wii after taking a hiatus from Super Mario Galaxy 2 and now it's quite obsessive. I think it's great that it's not a straight remake, the levels have been reworked and the controls work great, if you play with the c.lassic controller that is. Playing Wii-mote and nunchuck s.tyle has always been a little difficult with it's history of first person shooters on the console.

Current games I played in between all the renting include finally beating Red Dead Redemption, starting Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and capitalizing on some Steam deals with the Deus Ex Collection. On top of that what kind of fan would I be without mentioning Halo Reach in the mix once again? Well, the Noble Map Pack came out at the end of the month so it's time to get my skills up in the online world. November was a big month of me catching up on past and current titles but I still have a lot left on the plate to keep me satisfied through the cold month of December. What did you play in November? Catch up on past titles?