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Press One Button and Look Awesome

God of War

I've noticed a trend of action oriented games that have a sequence in the game where the player will go into cinematic view and must press a button to perform an attack on an enemy which leads to another button and another attack making the game look very appealing and give the player an acomplished feeling of, "yeah, I just did that".

Whether it's tearing out the eyeball of a Cyclops in God of War or holding up an AT-ST and crunching it with your force powers in Star Wars Force Unleashed; it's one of the coolest features in action games. Including this action sequence of button mashing adds variety to the game so taking a boss down isn't the same as the thousand henchmen you just destroyed getting there. It also makes it feel like the boss isn't just one of the henchmen and slightly larger.

Resident Evil 4 added these sequences to their cutscenes for those of us that think cutscenes can drag on and seem to never end when all you want to do is shoot a zombie. Metal Gear Solid 4 has optional buttons to press during cutscenes to get a different angle or view the cutscene to change things up, I think we all know MGS4 for it's really long cutscenes so it's a nice add on.Ninja Blade is a new game being released soon that has these over-the-top action sequences that got me thinking about writing this blog. Just pressing "A" at the right time and "B" soon after can make the ninja flip two times in the air, grapple on a nearby ledge and do some backflips cutting enemies as you go. You should definitely check the game out, it seems to take from God of War trying to be the most action packed game to date.

I hope in the future we will see more ideas expand on this single button action sequence because it really adds a new level of fun and gameplay to the game and keeps the game much more interesting.