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The Wii Actually Works

We've all seen the commercials when a new console is being released; this overly excited familly that gathers around the television and plays altogether at once right? Well I'm guessing 9/10 homes aren't actually like this and being as skeptical as I was I never really thought that the Wii was such a "family" console for everyone because my family still seemed intimidated by it. My skepticism would soon end when I brought the Wii out again when I was home with Wii Sports Resort in hand. My grandma would occasionally watch my brother and I duel to the death with swords, bike around the resort island, brush up on our archery and be terrible at bowling when finally this bowling game struck some attention and my grandma decided to give it a shot. She was amazed how you had to press almost no buttons, just releasing B to release the ball down towards the pins, she was hooked. Soon the whole family joined in and I witnessed what was going on in these commercials, the Wii actually is a family console and really can be enjoyed by anyone. My brother and I then proceeded to get beaten at bowling by our grandma, that wasn't too nice. Canoeing was also a big hit amongst the family and taught my family they may very well be the worst at teamwork when it comes to paddling but it was quite amusing. Swordplay was an obvious choice amongst couples as they struggled to stay on the small platform, trying not to get sent to the drink down below. They played almost every game at least once and was amazed at how little buttons had to be pressed or even how some games didn't require buttons at all, just the motion. My skepticism for the "family console" has been crushed when I witnessed everyone enjoying the Wii whether you have a lot of gaming experience or none, everyone had a chance to do good at something and it seemed pretty evenly match, just what the Wii aimed to do. The Wii can be for the casual and hardcore and especially for any family that isn't used to playing video games. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to practice my spin at the bowling alley.