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What I'd Like to See in Zelda Wii

I love the Zelda franchise. Probably my favorite out of all other franchises out there, I got into it around the Link to the Past days on the SNES, didn't finish it, then really got into it when Ocarina of Time was released then one summer (and a lot more months after) I went back and completed all the other Zelda games in existence and have always loved and followed the series since. Each Zelda title brings something new to the table, whether it's putting on masks, riding on a train, turning into a wolf or sailing the open seas it keeps the series from getting too repetitive within itself but also maintaining that Zelda feel to the game. New additions to the game are welcome but these are a few things I would like to see maintained or added for the upcoming Zelda Wii title.

1.) Motion control excellence. Obviously this Zelda title being the first exclusive Zelda on the Wii and with the new Motion Plus it's exciting to wonder how combat or puzzles will be affected by motion. I foresee some great combat potential with Link and probably being able to swing that sword any way you want, just don't hit the TV or else we'll hear it all over the news how the Wii destroys homes. Hopefully it won't be too out of hand though or else we'll all wake up with a case of "Wii Shoulder" in the morning.

2.) More Dungeons! I love me some dungeons with some good ol' fashioned puzzles and enemies to slay. It was the best in A Link to the Past, just when you thought it was the end...BAM! Dark World. Eight more temples! GO! It was surely awesome and it kept me glued to the screen. Ocarina of Time also had a fair share of dungeons so I'm hoping the new Zelda will not disappoint.

3.) Collectibles. Almost every Zelda game has them. Hidden rabbits, gold skulltulas or treasure maps Zelda Wii needs something to keep players like me striving for that 100% completion and also making the replay value much greater. Wind Waker was chalk full of them and I kept going back for more sailing the seas for hours on end.

4.) Heart Pieces. This is more of a rant against the portable Zeldas (Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks) that don't have heart pieces because once you get a heart you gain one automatically to your life, no collecting 4 pieces first. I hope Zelda Wii continues on the path for having individual heart pieces, this adds more side questing to the game and also like collectibles, more replay value.

5.) Different Tunics. Ocarina of Time had different tunics for water and fire then your normal green but I think it could be expanded more. Maybe more defense for one but move slower and visa-versa for the other one much like how Link's Awakening did adding more defense with the red tunic and more offense with the blue tunic. Variety is good.

6.) More sword and shield options. We all know how awesome the Hylian Shield, Master Sword combo is but it was also awesome when players had the option to get other shields like the Big Goron Sword or equip the Mirror Shield from Ocarina of Time. If Zelda Wii had more options I think it would encourage a lot of players to strive for something different and appeal to more.

7.) Stay with Link. Majora's Mask had Link transform when wearing certain masks and Twilight Princess had Link transform into a Wolf in the Twilight Realm, this was a nice switch from the ordinary but at the end of the day you realize that the times playing as Link is just much better and hopefully in Zelda Wii the game stays with Link.

8.) Exploration/Hidden areas. Big open worlds are fun and all but if there isn't anything hidden to look for where is the fun in that? I love to explore in Zelda games and can spend hours just in the overworld searching for hidden areas under boulders or under the sea. Wind Waker was an exceptional example of exploration.

9.) Downloadable Content. It's more of a pipe dream thinking Nintendo would release some DLC for Zelda Wii in the future adding some more content to the game but I can't see that happening just yet.

10.) Return of Kaepora Gaebora. The wise Owl was one of the best Zelda characters and an excellent guide for Link. Not to mention an awesome theme song when you talked to him. He was seen in Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Link's Awakening.