Well, my first semester at KSU went all right for only having one textbook, but I can't see myself going textbook-less again this next semester (although a lot of classes don't necessitate them anyway, so hopefully I'll only have to buy a couple). It looks like my lineup is more or less settled upon, and although I can't remember most of the dates, I'll get an e-mail about that at some point or other. Here's what I've got:
-American Politics: This is probably as easy as it sounds (and easy as I've heard). Basically, they say that, as long as you have rudimentary knowledge of what's happened in the past several years and have even an inkling of how our country was formed, you'll pass easily. Yay for freebies!
-Media Writing: Now this is kind of an enigma to me, but I figure it'll make more sense in the near future. I wasn't sure how they could make a class about media writing last fifteen weeks, and I still don't wuite know, but I imagine I'll be doing a lot of writing (gee, I wonder why...).
-Photography Basics: I apparently need this. You're free to draw your own conclusions as to what goes on in this class.
-Videography Basics: (See: Photography Basics)
-Principles of Microeconomics: Okay, this is just ridiculous, but it's apparently easy and necessary. I, uh, took a business math class once to fill space on my schedule, so maybe that'll help. (Also took Logic once...) I doubt it, but I've never taken an Econ course, so I'm not sure about what to expect here.