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So, I haven't been all that social around here, and I've said next to nothing about myself, so I figured I'd go on about some random things in case anyone was actually curious. Not that I figure many people think to themselves: "Man, I wonder what makes that ScionofEntropy guy tick! He sure is an enigma, that one. If only I could get into his head..." That would be weird. Very weird.

But anyway, I guess my point is that, I see these "oh man, here's some random stuff about me I bet you guys didn't know!" things all the time, and it got me thinking. I said to myself: "Self, you should do one of these, just to get it out of your system. Maybe only this once, but definitely do it. You might even not hate it." So, here I am, rambling on about why I did this while anyone who's actually reading is thinking, "Get to the poin, man." But I like dragging things out needlessly for the sake of it looking as if I'm actually saying something here. That's the fun of it. Anyway, the stuff this is all about is listed below:

-My favorite bands are Soundgarden, Alter Bridge, Queens of the Stone Age, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Mute Math, The Wallflowers, and The Pillows; pretty much in that order.

-It is my firm belief that The Sandlot is one of the greatest films ever made. I also enjoy a good action film; it doesn't have to actually be good, but if it keeps me entertained, I'm content. I also believe that Hey Arnold! is the undisputed greatest cartoon series ever made.

-I'm majoring in Journalism (magazine, specifically); some already know about this, because I've mentioned it here and there.

-Science fiction is my favorite genre in just about everything. (Please, don't tell me to read Neuromancer. I plan to, but I haven't gotten to it yet.)

-My favorite authors are Stephen King (Dark Tower, The Stand), David Wong (John Dies at the End), Douglas Adams (Hitchhiker's Guide), Ted Dekker (Circle Trilogy, Lost Books), and Orson Scott Card (Ender series).

-Cult hit games tend to attract me like flies to... something that attracts flies. (Beyond Good & Evil, Shadow of the Colossus, No More Heroes; weird things that critics generally like but usually end up being commercial failures--though I haven't played Psychonauts).

-Small children tend to cry when placed too close to me. I was also once called a "stove" by a little boy for no particular reason.

-I have a soft spot for kittens.