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Two Years, One Day...

It's hard to believe that it's been over two years already. Sometimes, it seems like it was just a couple months ago that I was still living in Pittsburgh, still adding those first few games to my Watched list. Wow... I don't feel as though I've accomplished anything big, but it's kind of nice that I've found an online community that I can at least make a two year, one day commitment to.

So, about 11.18 levels a year? Maybe in three years, I'll be all caught up with some of the veteran users. Or caught up to where some of them are now, at any rate.

A lot of things have changed in those two years. Not so for me on GameSpot, despite some sweet new features as I've gained the odd level. I've gained and lost friends, experience the odd new thing, though I still haven't been to a foreign country or gone snowboarding--maybe Shaun White Road Trip will count? I've changed schools and majors pretty drastically, from video game design in downtown Pittsburgh, PA to journalism/undecided minor in a more rural area of Ohio. I had work for a while, now I need to find it again...

Oh, and I quit World of Warcraft. It's not that I hate it. I loved it some times, hated it others, but they eventually evened out into neutrality, and when I no longer cared at all for it, I knew it was time to stop. I might go back to it someday, but with school and looking for some kind of work, I'm thinking I'll probably stop playing for a very long time. Here's to it, I guess.

I recently learned that one of my favorite book series is getting a film series, as well as one of my favorite books. Respectively, they're Stephen King's The Dark Tower and David Wong's John Dies at the End. This might mean a lot to some of you, but to most, I guess it probably doesn't mean a whole lot. And for that, shame on you! Shame, I say!

The Dark Tower is something considered by a lot of people to be King's finest work--and those who believe it isn't generally favor The Stand. (I'm pretty fond of both, myself...) It's sort of a western/dark fantasy series that spans pretty much his entire career and has virtually endless connections to his other works. And it's really, really good. Seven books long, but very worth it. I could say some things about certain other seven-book series (or even a certain four-book series that recently concluded), but at the risk of lynching mobs, my tongue will be held.

John Dies at the End... Here's one a couple people have seen me ramble about. JDatE is sort of an internet phenomenon that was published for free online and, unlike most internet fiction, was extremely good. Good enough that it landed a publishing deal and got about 5,000 paperback copies in print. Unfortunately, despite selling out quickly, not much effort was made to continue printing, and now prices have soared into the triple digits. But that'll change this summer, when the book goes back into publishing for a more reasonable price of around $20, hopefully to accompany the film. For those who want a summary of the tone of the novel, the most accurate description I've ever heard is this: JDatE = Stephen King + HP Lovecraft + Douglas Adams + Harold and Kumar. I am not making this up. Read it when it comes out again. Please?

Oh. I also have a sinus headache while working on homework. I thought you might like to know. Ibuprofen has not done much good, so I'm thinking of knocking myself unconscious. ...With NyQuil.

But anyway, I guess the whole point of this is my way of saying that I caved and subscribed to GameSpot Total Access. Yay, me!