Like so many of us, I've succumbed to the whim of the masses (about eight of my friends) and bought World of Warcraft. Like a lot of us, I often find it hard not to play the game, but if anything, I find that it cuts into my time with other games more than anything else. I still finish my homework on time and go to class like a good little college student.
1-58 Paladin (PVP):
Yeah, this is pretty cool. Paladin was the second class I picked up, but I enjoy it the most so far. PVP can get really hectic, but I do all right when I feel like fighting. Paladins have a lot of interesting skills, especially Retribution--besides hitting hard and healing, they also have a lot of interesting spells that deal with hitting your opponents back when you're struck. Of course, mages seem to have a bit of an edge over Paladins, which is for the best, since there aren't a lot of classes I can take on and have a good shot at winning. Seems like Paladins are at their best when fighting multiple undead enemies at or slightly above their level.
1-29 Rogue (PVE):
Definitely different, and they can't really handle more than two enemies at once in versus environments, so it can be tricky to play one right, especially when you're in a minidungeon with several enemies at or above your own level. Fortunately, they have a lot of means of escape, from stealth (which requires you to be outside of combat, though you can also use a Vanish skill to hide even when in combat, allowing for a quick escape in a pinch) and sprint, which allows you to make a mad dash to safety, usually escaping adversity. These guys don't have a ton of survivability, and classes wearing heavy armor can usually easily have their way with rogues.
1-16 Warrior (PVP):
Obviously, I haven't had as much experience here, but the gyst of it is this: Warriors aren't a horrible class, but a lack of escape methods at lower levels and little means to fight multiple enemies can make them tricky, unless you're in a party. It's wise to level First Aid (extra profession anyone can have that allows you to use some effective healing abilities outside combat) as you level your warrior, since you'll often find yourself low on health after a couple fights, unless you can get in a stun and leave your enemies open a while. It's not that leveling at low levels is hard; just that it can be tricky on your own. Fortunately, Thunderclap (slows your enemies and increases time between their attacks, while also dealing moderate damage) is immensely helpful at these low levels, as well as skills like Charge and Bloodrage build up your Rage (lets you use special warrior-specific moves) fairly quickly.
1-11 Shaman (PVP):
Good lord, I suck. I know nothing about this. But totems are neat, and weapon augment spells make physical combat much more bearable. This is actually sort of a fun class, and I plan on leveling this one a bit more seriouly down the road.
Chat Elitists:
You'll meet a lot of these, and they have a habit of saying some really stupid things. For example: "You do realize a bunch of 46 could easily take down a level 70, even one in really good PVP gear?" A lot of you (unless you play) probably don't get it, but that idea is just... I can't even tell you how laughable it is. Five levels can make all the difference in a fight, but 24? Even with nine other guys, somebody with 24 levels on you can handily kill you in one shot, and if they have an area-of-effect move, kiss your butt good-bye. But anyway, my initial point: even if you do make a valid point on one of these elitists, the general response is "Noobs should stop QQing" or "Welcome to PVP, you die." The latter is a "that's life" sort of thing and generally helps you get over your nerd rage, but the former is essentially "Crap, I've got nothing left. Time for my trump card!" and really shows a lack of a convincing argument more than anything.
Trade Chat:
Dear God, avoid it. Leave it. It's the worst thing in the world, at least in MMOs.
Bottom Line:
So, I've ranted about all this stuff, but what does it mean? Do I like WoW? All told, it's an okay game. Whether or not it's deserving of the heaps of praise it gets, I can't really say, because most seem to agree that "the real fun is in the endgame content."
Honestly, it seems decent, but it all comes down to how much time you have to blow and how much money you're willing to spend. WoW isn't a bad game, but it's definitely not for everyone either. There's an immense amount of variety in the content--when it feels like having one. Quests, a lot of the time, are incredibly repetitive, and this will drive a lot of people away. PVP may also drive a lot of people away, since bored players at max level will find you, and they will kill you for fun. It just happens. A lot.
I can't wholeheartedly recommend WoW, and even if I were in the endgame content, I know this would be the case. Again, this game is not for everyone, for a couple reasons. First, and most important, you probably don't have a ton of time, unless you're on vacation or unemployed; if you have some other stuff you need to worry about (school, work, relationships, life in general), you should probably avoid WoW, and play it sparingly if you get it. Second, the fantasy thing drives a lot of people away; if you're not a fan of the fantasy genre in any way, WoW isn't going to change that, and you're not doing yourself a huge favor by playing it. Finally, WoW is costly, but it offers a lot of bang for your buck; in this case, it's just a matter of deciding if the monthly fee is worth the price to you.
The Verdict:
I enjoy WoW a bit, and it's definitely the best MMO I've played so far, but it can be tiresome, often boring and repetitive. The overall fun factor makes up for it adequately, and I'd probably give it a 7.5/10 so far.