This game is awsome, the onlything In confused about is where you have to find a new planet @_@. its impossible because you can only land on planets tha tare on your map
Scorch910's forum posts
Most poeple think that COD4 will be better because of its grahpics, and just about that only. Halo 3 grahpics are most likey twice as better its just like Gears of War the made the atmoshpare darker/more griddy and that made the grahpics look alot better.
Plus the previous COD games took place in WW2 this game might completly blow and just look good, Halo 3 had a beta and we, who had played it, know its gunna be the best game for the next 2-4 years.
[QUOTE="Zero_X5213"][QUOTE="MickeyTheNinja"]It will be the lowest scoring 360 game.
I do like going around sneak attacking and stabbing people while listening to Wu Tang. But the game is horrible. Metal Gear Solid for the PS1 had 5X better AI than this.
I liked it, it had a kinda mindless stealth killing spree to it. good stress reliever.
but how DARE you say it will be the lowest scoring game.
Clearly you've never played Bomberman Act Zero.
Maybe, but its gonna be atleast one of teh worst
yea.... if your on crack
I've never been a fan of any ninja game untill this one. Shure it looks crappy and the same assassination moves over and over. But its gunna get al least a 7... well in my book
halo 3 isn't going to be speical, really. the will have to pull off some great story in order to get a nice score. graphics wise, it isn't more than a 9. sound, knowing halo, it'll be amazing...multi is the same so even though it's fun, it won't necessarly help boost the score...stygiansanity
Sir no offence but you are the biggest tard I've seen yet. Halo 3 story will be great that I know for shure, and the multiplay is going to be revolutionized
wow im really shocked. The warhog turrent just is the most powerful weapon and really if you can control your driving and have the sparten laser then you are 99% chance that you will win. What is the needler omg its like way to powerful. It is way to easy to use the spartenlaser. The shotgun is way to powerfull and if you pick it up u bascally win. Sorry I love Halo 3 and I even have preorder the Legendary Eddition and loved Halo 1. Halo 2 was ok. If you think about it then you can see how unbalenced the game is right now. I hope they fix it.raylewisnfl52
look then its just you the turret may be strong but its to easy to kill because of the characters speed. I managed to kill a lvl 34 with and assult rilfe when he had the turret, and on the other side the game is amazingly banacned you just cant tell from playing too much halo 2 *caugh* BR *caugh*, just like bungie said the ar rips apart an br from short to med range. neddler has not many bullets, spartan lazer take 3 seconds to chage now for a experianced player like my-self I would be able to kill him in 3 seconds. shotty is only good at short dictances, you should of seen someone try to kill me from long range witha!!!
you should look at halo 2 and say its unbalacned, not halo 3
I hate being used. I hope that we get to take that guy down (whoever he is) in the next one. I think it would be cool if you were a resistance fighter using stolen super soldier tech. And the bosses are Agents with different levels of the 5 skills. And there are planes and helicopters to fly. Also more fluid co-op and female skins. Oh and the final boss is your character copied from the first game. I'm on a roll, quick get MS and Realtime Worlds on the phone!capthavic
I aggree that there should be female skins, no air vehicals(thats what climbing is for) and all and you wern't being used they said they need to do it so that ppl could learn
Ok. ive officaly beat crackdown and the ending seemed like they will be making another. it show a agent and what hes done to halp the city but theres a lil suprise of who helped the gangs.
*SPIOLER* (well at least what it says and happens)... turns out the agency was the won who gave the gangs there weaponds and helped them... the narrorator said at the very end "Pacific City was only the begging" hance why there will most likely be a second.
I don't really mind the shotgun's, as its part of the game.. but the little kids with high pitched voices are ruining the game more than anything. ReckHavoc
Ins't Gears rated M, then I dont get why lil kids are always found playing Far Cry, GoW, Halo, Vegas... they must have some bad parents.
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