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Scorch_22 Blog

Extra Life Marathon Extravaganza!

I just watched the Extra Life GameSpot 50 (72) Hour Global Stream, and I don’t think I have had that much fun on a gaming website in a long time! The main reason I had such a blast was because everything felt very real, nothing felt like an argument or a hustle. The GameSpot staff played whatever games they wanted and the chat room all complied. While I did donate to the cause, I however did not participate in the Twitch chat room. I think the main reason I didn’t participate is because I was afraid to. I was afraid because for the past several years, there has been a disconnect between myself and the current gaming community and how unnecessarily aggressive and offensive it has been towards any news, reviews, or general gaming articles. But while I watched the stream happen, I started to feel a sense of nostalgia overwhelm me.

I felt like I was back in the GameSpot community I started with when I was a teenager in the early 2000’s. I first started visiting GameSpot in 2004, but I only started posting in the forums around 2007 about time alteration possibilities in the Prince of Persia series or good job class optimizations in Final Fantasy Tactics and who knows what else. But I haven’t really experienced those good idle chats I used to have in the forums lately. Now I’ll just post on an article I’m passionate about every now and then and I just hope to god someone doesn’t take it out of context and threaten to murder my unborn children. But that wasn’t the case with the Extra Life marathon. Everyone is talking about games with a good disposition, rather than raging about which new console is better than the other, or what highly rated game has too low of a score, just good old fashioned game talk. Since this was my first time observing Twitch chat, I was wondering how things were so well managed. One of the primary elements being the strict moderating done by the ever vigilant Moobot and several other moderators, including some of the GameSpot staff members, but I also think a lot of credit should go towards the community being so positive the whole time. The community also had a really big shining moment with the amazing work done in Minecraft. I personally don’t play Minecraft myself, so to see all of the work done in the Fenlig server was absolutely incredible. And of course it was an absolutely amazing sight to see donation drive reach over 100% of its $20k goal!

There’s also a big kudos that goes towards the GameSpot staff. Lately the site has felt a little stale, mostly because coverage on the next-gen consoles have been dominating the news, so it’s only appropriate that things feel a little redundant. The big shining part of GameSpot for me has been the new shows like Reality Check, Skyrim Mods, House of Horrors, GTA Diaries, etc. These shows have felt like a genuine break away from all the constant news updates on the most insignificant things, like what Phil Fish is doing on Twitter or what type of charcoal black the Xbox One is. But I don’t blame GameSpot for the coverage at all, it is your job, and you gotta eat. But then I hear about this Extra Life thing. So, GameSpot is going give me three straight days of aimless video game streaming? Then f*** yeah! As I watched the stream more and more, I started to feel like I was back in my freshman and sophomore years of college when I used to play LAN parties with all my friends, playing into the late hours of the night and early morning reeking of body odor and surviving on the cheapest junk food from the local store. We would play whatever game we felt like, and when Danny said “We can do whatever the f*** we want, to be honest” on the stream, it felt like I was back in the college dorms.

One more thing I want to add is I thought it was very amusing that aside from the end of the stream with Jess being the largest influx of donations, a lot of money was raised when playing GTA V. So a game that has been called by some non-gaming critics as one of the most violent and deplorable games of our generation helped people feel charitable enough to donate massive amounts of money to a good cause. How very ironic! This was a massive effort by everyone who contributed to this, so I congratulate everyone on GameSpot staff and community for coming together and raising over $20k for Oakland Children’s Hospital and Research Center. I remember when I was a teenager viewing everything on GameSpot, it made me want to have a career in the gaming news industry, my life took to a career in architecture instead, but here I am writing this wanting to be a staff member on GameSpot again! So if you guys at GameSpot ever need someone with a background in architecture, just give me a call! Otherwise, I will see you all in the Twitch streams for all the fun GameSpot shows, and I can’t wait to save up more money to donate next year for Extra Life!

No Caption Provided

Congratulations and thank you GS!

Getting a Little Annoyed

My Xbox 360 recently broke, and I was upset at first until I called the repair service who told me they would fix my Xbox for free. Two weeks later (last Friday) the repair service send me a "brand new" Xbox. I was very pleased with this outcome. But now the "brand new"Xbox they sent me has also just broken! Only after 3 days of moderate gaming my new console is already completely fried. I guess I'll just have to send out my Xbox again, if the Xbox console didn't have so many good games I would have given up with the system by now. Well, back to playing the Gamecube for another two weeks...

No More High School!

Today was my last day in school, plus I'm a senior so I'm done with all of high school! No more Catholic school education (I'm not Catholic), strict rules, or annoying teachers that deny all existence of fun. Now all I have is another 6 years of college education... Hmm... One of these days I won't have to learn stuff anymore...

My New Banner

I want to thank Bavoke for making me this awesome cool banner and for putting in so much time and effort in making me it!

My First Ticket

No, not my first movie ticket or concert ticket, but my first traffic violation ticket... Man this s**ks, of course I also had to get the meanest cop on the road at 2 in the morning which makes me wonder; should he even care about some teenager doing an illegal passing when there is probably a murder happening down the street, so what if I almost hit him doing 40 in a 25 mile zone. Anyway I digress, I wonder why I got the ticket for not having my seat belt on when it actually was on, but he didn't get me for speeding or illegal passing, so I guess that's a little better. Many of you are probably wondering what this blog has to do with games. The answer to that is I now no longer have enough money to buy Mass Effect, and I currently don't have a job, so it's a little hard to aquire money. Time to raise another 50 bucks. Oh well. :(

New PSP 2

After my last blog about the particular peculiarities of some parts of media entertainment, I figured I should talk about something nice next. There are rumors speculating that there is a new PSP 2 (or at least an upgrade) coming out soon. While it is only a rumor, there are some rumors that this information or something similar to it will be arriving in May, during E3, or whatever is left of that convention. Some of the features it will be rumored to include are:

  • The screen is gorgeous
  • The loads are faster
  • Improved buttons
  • Internal flash - 8GB
  • Possible touch screen
  • Possible built-in camera
  • Uses UMD

In the end it will look something like this:

Haha! Just kidding, I'm sure it will be great considering Square Enix is Remaking Final Fantasy Tactics on it.

Entertainment Downfall

After you look at these two articles you will most likely agree with me 100%. These kinds of stunts should be considered to have such a lack of originality that it is a travesty. These abominations of nature should never hit human soil. I'm sure I would have some longer speech about how bad this is but these to monstrosities have rendered me speechless. This brave new world is starting to look very scary...

Watch your backs... The King is coming...

Red vs. Blue

The popular web series "Red vs. Blue" has been around for a while but I have just discovered it and after seeing an RvB quote on a gamer's sig on this site, it figured I should talk about it and spread the news to anyone who also have not seen or heard about it. First off, the serie's website is obviously  believe it or not. The series is basically a machinema series based on the Halo and Halo 2 multiplayer universes. There isn't much of a story line, so that's a good thing for those of you who are like me and don't like to think too much. Anyway, there are two teams, one being red and the other blue, (now I'm just spoon feeding you readers) each team has four teammates, (only if it's a normal event and nobody is dead, which is never) and all the teammates do is sit around contemplating who to kill each other. The characters have ridiculous names such as Donut, Grif, and Caboose. From their stupid shenanigans to their famous scenes such as "Is it a spider?" (episode 11) this is a show worthy of all eyes to see.

Who Dat!?

Superbowl XLI just happened last Sunday and I was very happy to see the Colts and Peyton finally get their rings. I was also just happy to see the Bears lose after killing the Saints (sorry I'm being very biased). I would have loved to see the Saints win or at least go to the Superbowl but unfortunatley the clock struck midnight for the Saints. before the Saints/Bears game I was picturing the Saints beating the Bears and then winning the Superbowl. But then I thought; if the Saints win the Superbowl, there will be so many parties in New Orleans it would become a riot, and the rest of the city, after Katrina, would probably be burned down. Even though that is a very likely outcome, I still think it would be worth it, and I hope the Saints play even harder next season and finally break their 40-year losing streak (which they really have already accomplished) and win Superbowl XLII.

Prince of Persia

I have always been a fan of the Prince of Persia series, well at least starting at The Sands of Time. One thing I would love to see is a completely new series, in fact I wouldn't even mind seeing a completely different prince. But one thing I am not too proud of is Ubisoft "remaking" all the same games over but just on different systems. For Example, Warrior Within on the PSP and The Two Thrones on the Wii. Now I'm not saying it's a completely terrible way to go, I would love to play Two Thrones or Rival Swords on the Wii using my own hand motions to control the Prince's sword fighting moves, but wouldn't it be so much cooler to see a Prince of Persia game with a completely new storyline AND new innovations using the Wiimote. I know The Prince of Persia series was meant to be a trilogy but not many people would object to seeing a whole new storyline.