Scorch_22 / Member

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Red vs. Blue

The popular web series "Red vs. Blue" has been around for a while but I have just discovered it and after seeing an RvB quote on a gamer's sig on this site, it figured I should talk about it and spread the news to anyone who also have not seen or heard about it. First off, the serie's website is obviously  believe it or not. The series is basically a machinema series based on the Halo and Halo 2 multiplayer universes. There isn't much of a story line, so that's a good thing for those of you who are like me and don't like to think too much. Anyway, there are two teams, one being red and the other blue, (now I'm just spoon feeding you readers) each team has four teammates, (only if it's a normal event and nobody is dead, which is never) and all the teammates do is sit around contemplating who to kill each other. The characters have ridiculous names such as Donut, Grif, and Caboose. From their stupid shenanigans to their famous scenes such as "Is it a spider?" (episode 11) this is a show worthy of all eyes to see.