Day 0 is now over, E3 officially kicks off tomorrow just going to throw out a few quick impressions. Overall I've been very dissapointed at the titles. Microsoft showed off Halo: Reach and Gears of War 3 gameplay, and a quick teaser for Metal Gear Solid: Rising, and announced a new game with Crytek. Most of the rest of their press conference dealt with mostly casual-heavy fitness and sports games for Kinect. The unveiling of the new 360 model was was cool though.
Next up was EA. This was probably the best of the three, which doesn't say much unfortunately. Medal of Honor seemed very similar to Battlefield: Bad Company. I've never been much of a Need for Speed fan. They touched a little on Star Wars: The Old Republic, annoucing ships and PvP Warzones but wish there was more, though I suppose they will show more over the course of E3. Sports games and the Sims aren't a big deal to me either, though it was nice that they managed to get Joe Montana. The two most appealing titles were Crysis 2 and Bulletstorm. I enjoyed the first Crysis, though I felt it was more of a tech demo with a lot of potential than a full game. Hopefully Crysis 2 can remedy this. I know Bulletstorm has been around for a while but this was the first time I have seen anything on it, and it looks amazing. Over-the-top, gory action game? Count me in!
Ubisoft... ugh. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier looked interesting, and would like to see more on Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. There is also a new 2D Rayman game in the works, and Child of Eden, which is very similar to Rez. Other than that, there was a fitness game, the same one and same demo shown off at the Microsoft press conference, a new Driver game, something called Project Dust (looks like a god game?), Shawn White's Skatboarding, a new Raving Rabbids game, a Micheal Jackson dance game (no info on it other than it exists), a lazer tag game where you play lazer tag IRL and and get new gametypes from the PC or something, and a game where you breath. Innergy, look it up. I considered many times throughout the conference just turning it off. They also brought back Joel McHale to host the conference again. There were many unfunny "jokes", many awkward moments, and several idiotic comments.
Hopefully Nintendo and/or Sony deliver tomorrow...
Any thoughts or comments on the conferences?