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Got PSP, Quit Job.

I'll keep this one nice and short

1. Last week caved in and bought a PSP with Metal Gear: Portable Ops, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7, Guilty Gear Judgement, and Socom: Fireteam Bravo. Also got Socom 3 for the Crosstalk feature on S:FTB. Loving it, planning on getting Monster Hunter Freedom United to do some LAN with a friend.

2. Quit my job. Got accused of stealing $60 becuase the cash register was short that much. I'm only making minimum wage, I don't get paid enough to deal with this BS

3. Younger brother got a laptop. It was one we had for a while and was kinda brokenish (sceen flickers). Magically he booted it up and it worked. Parents gave it to him even though I've been asking for about a year.

Since I'm now unemployeed for the 1st time in 3 years (work during summer, school all other times [school counts as a job kinda]) just going to sit back, kick up my feet and relax until school starts later this month. Maybe it'll give me time to work through my backlog of 330+ games...