Scorpion13497's comments

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Edited By Scorpion13497

Tried to watch the Microsoft live, but it wasn't working after almost 10 minutes into it so I just went over to Gametrailers...

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Edited By Scorpion13497

Looking foward to DR2, Assassin's Creed 2 (I actually loved it until the last 2-3 missions, still enjoyed but was repetitive then), Uncharted, GoW3 and BG&E 2 if it's shown. Also I know it probably won't happen but I would love to see a new Oddworld title. I just started playing Abe's Odyssy again and loving it, really want to see another one. At the very least make Stranger's Wrath backwards compatable or as a downloadable title =/

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Edited By Scorpion13497

Glad to see Call of Cluthulu getting some love. I couldn't play for half an hour after the Fishermen part, scared the crap outta me. Didn't think most of the games on that list were scary though. Resident, Bioshock and Doom were kinda creepy in parts but that's about it. Same with Condemned (1 and 2), and Eternal Darkness (despite what I heard, not that scary. Great game though!), Dead Space, Resident Evil (a few surprise moments but nothing that really shocked me...). Out of all of those FEAR, Silent Hill 2 and Doom (Cyberdemon on Nightmare with pistol for 1st time, still have nightmares :P ) were the only ones that really creeped me out. Clock Tower definately deserves a spot though, either 1 or 3 both scary like no other. I had trouble playing it. The feeling of not knowing when he/it is going to come racing after you, knowing that there's not a darn thing you can do about it execpt hide like you used to when you got scared of lightning as a child, THAT was scary beyond believe.