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ScorpiosJemeni Blog

4:07 PM 2009/08/24 Finally back!

I'm finally back! Was sup, people. I know no one currently cares, but I disappeared simply because I had forgotten my email address. I know, sounds stupid =l. But it's true; I did. ANYWAY, BUT I'M HEAR!!!! :D lol

ScorpiosJemeni's: B.L.O.G./Review on: Rappelz Epic 5

For those Pirates Online haters out there, I just have to say: that there is NO excuse for you to be angry at people for 'fighting skeletens' when you know DANG WELL, that in the very beginning- your basic fighting is to go around- fighting NIMBLE LITTLE ROOSTERS and ROCK TURTLES!!! DON'T TELL ME, THAT WHAT WE'RE FIGHTING, IS STUPID OR ODD in ANY WAY, because what YOU'RE FIGHTING, DOESN'T SEEM ANY BETTER!!! On a lighter note: Rappelz Epic has 3 favourited features of mine: 1 2 AND a third person view The graphics are not half bad, and neither are the quests. Similar to runescape, Rappelz has you running around doing quests for random people that other random people told you to meet, tell you to do quests,which involves: killing things (animals) and getting gold or other items from them and stuff like that. My favourite thing about this game is the fact that you can purchase food that gives you more health. Least favourite thing: Not enough character costumization. Best part: It doesn't have freezing! I've only experienced that twice and that was it; rarely skips aswell. Back to the dark note: If you think the way that the characters in POTC Online look bad, YOU SHOULD SEE HOW YOU LOOK WHEN YOU'RE RIDING ON THAT NIMBLE LITTLE ROOSTER! AIN'T SO TUFF NOW ARE YAH?! Onward to the lighterness: No I have not gotten very far in this game to be honest, due to the fact that the people helping me were very much ahead of me and could not figure out a way to help me from there. I have nothing further to say about this game. Not because I don't like it, but because I haven't gotten that far, so what do I actually know.

ScorpiosJemeni's B.L.O.G. Review On: Advent Rising (Xbox)

Random opinions: Did you like Advent Rising? Yes Why? I thought that the concept was pretty reasonable, the plot, and the graphics. What didn't you like about this game? I honestly, didn't like some of the characters, the way some of them were drawn, and the annoying glitches!!! Random opinions: Advent Rising has a very interesting plot; which does get confusing at times, but it will be put together later on in the game. The 'Seekers' kind of remind me of characters in Halo. One of most random parts in the game was the 'bar fight' where some guy shoved Gydeon Wyeth into a counter. I thought that we was just going to tell him off and move on but NO! THEY HAVE you fight this random man who's CLEARLY drunk, and i honestly didn't see the point! Oh, but THEN, it gets worse!!! Olivia Morgan, comes in trying to sound all "attractive," and after complaining about her 'clothes getting dirty" she walks up to the random drunkard like a Bratz doll and kicks em'! I don't get it. =l What did you enjoy most about this game? The ability to fight in slow motion, definetly, because it was cool, bad a, and halarious. The 4 main things that got me to stop playing, were: #1. The saving points: I am unsure, to this day, if it was just my dad's Xbox, but every time I saved, it became an epic fail. Let's say, i had gotten to 3 check points already, which means, it's a reasonable time to save; so I do. Next time I upload it, it goes 4 CHECK POINTS BACK- WTF!!!?!!?!! #2. The glitches: Sometimes a button to open or lift a platform was available, and sometimes it wasn't. The problem is: IT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE AVAILABLE! There is no: "oh, it looks like the lift isn't working, just a temporary glitch, it'll clear up eventually. As SOon as I reload this checkpoint- NO!!! AS I told you, with me playing this game: there IS, NO CHECK POINT!!! It's either play: or you start over. Die enough times: and start over. Start over: or die!!! #3. The controls: Imagine that you're running. Not to fast, not to slow, just: running over a bridge to get to your destonation. When suddenly, you see a ledge. This ledge has crates on it and something Really important (I don't remember what it was) lies on it aswell. You get up to it, realizing that there is a very big gap so you dive in the air to try and get to it, you land, but IN A CORNER. IN MID AIR. STUCK IN THE SAME SORRY POSITION YOU LANDED IN- WHAT the HECK IS THAT?!!! So, you GET THERE, AND THEN YOU'RE PERMANENTLY, STUCK, IN THE SAME FLOP DANG CORNER, that you had NO intenions in going in, nor was anywhere NEAR IT!!! And remember: NO ACCURATE CHECKPOINT!!! #4. The car over the gap incident: When I watch this walkthrough: Hear that voice? That very same annoying voice, yea, I DIDN'T HEAR IT! The only thing that I ever heard coming from her mouth was: "go left here." When there were at least A THOUSAND lefts right before she even said anything!! So by the Time I even listen to her, I've gone in a circle at least over 5 times. I get there, and 'turn left', right at that huge gap in the middle. Now as you see, at 00:14 seconds, he makes this AMAZINGLY EPIC JUMP across the thing. WHEN I DID IT: I passed with 'crashing colours' because I DIDN'T MAKE IT! I fell, right into the ditch. And had to sit there for almost a half an hour trying to get across a ditch. Now some of you might be saying "oh, that's because you can't play" or "you're not trying hard enough" well to tell you the truth it was NOT ME- THE CONTROLS HAD- ISSUES!!! #5. The suicidal ledge: In this video: If you completly go right (or left depending on what side you're on) and go back up the platform lift (don't ask me why I did it, but i'll tell you anyway. I did it because: I was bored, and I thought I had forgotten something) and if you keep on walking, you'll get a surprise! GUESS what the surprise is lil' kiddies?! YOU DIE!!! YOU- FRIGGEN- DIE!!!! You start off walking slowly, then ALL of a sudden, you LOSE all power over your controls and he just RANDOMLY DECIDES TO JUMP OFF THE LEDGE. Don't believe me, try it for yourself. If it doesn't work, I'm really considering putting in a complaint about it because why is my game THE ONLY ONE THAT'S MESSED UP!!?