Don't want to sound like a spammer, but this is for a marketing course
ScottMescudi's forum posts
I'm currently taking an introduction to marketing class and I have to gather information of people. I have to think about making a phone accessory that people in the market would like.
Not to sound like an asshole, but can guys help complete a 30 second survey? First time making a survey, so my apologies if it's not professional looking.
(Mod edit: Link removed)
Care to give any advice(s) on how to trade, for beginners? I recently finished my MacroEcon course and became interested in the idea of trading!
Let Illinois, also known as the "Nanny State" be the pinnacle example of why gun control doesn't work (Chicago murders,etc).
LOL indeed. Oh Liberals!
States can collect taxes in 3 ways: sales, property, and income. In order for a state government to function properly, they have to do 2 of those 3. In Texas, for instance, we do not have a state income tax, but we have a sales and property tax. Another state may not have property tax, but they will have state income and sales tax.
Unless you live in Illinois, you get taxed for all 3!
Same in Pennsylvania.....
That's unfortunate, then again it's a blue state.
Thank God....
Democrats aren't helping you in anyway mate.
here's a question, are you mentally retarded that you don't know the answer to that question?
As a person who's learning more about the diverse political parties, of course not. A poster such as yourself with nearly 10,000 posts, it's pretty sad that you possess a sophomoric and arrogant attitude.
by "despises the government as a whole" do you mean that that person is dissatisfied with a particular government and dislikes its policies, or that he despises the idea of government and believes that government should not exist?
I Should've elaborated more on that. He/she is completely dissatisfied with Government actions (killing innocent people with the use of drone strikes), getting into wars, etc.
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