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A Spooky Story

A friend of mine introduced me to a website called which is a site dedicated to scary stories. There is a person who takes these stories and retells them over YouTube in a really spooky way. Her channel is If you like scary stories then click here to watch my favorite she has done! Watch it, then read on.


Imagine that happening to you? You would never look at pictures and windows the same way again. I love getting spooked by these kind of things because the feeling of feeling afraid is sort of like a rush. I'm not saying sometimes I wouldn't want to kick myself for letting myself get spooked though. :P .. Whenever I watch a horror film, if it's really good I'll occasionally look over my shoulder behind the couch just to make sure the coast is clear. :lol: .. I love it.

I'm a writer myself, mediocre at best, and so I appreciate a good story. I've never written a horror story before but have always wanted to, so I thought I would ask here to you all on what kind of scary story would you like to hear? Give me a topic, idea, location, situation, etc, that you think would make for a short scary story that you would like to hear and I will write one for you and post it here for all to read and dedicate it to you.


I've never done anything like this before so I am sort of fearing I will do horribly and make myself look like a great big noob. :P .. So it could take any length of time for me to complete it. I just like to challenge myself and it's good motivation to keep writing. :) .. I will do my best though, and that's a promise.

If any of you would like a story then leave your suggestion below, and if no one wants one or don't like scary stories then I guess the blog ends here! :P