Le Rain
by Scott_inWriting on Comments
I like the rain. Random? Yeah, but here's the story. I'm sitting here in my computer chair, looking at my monitor, reading different forum posts, and then - rain. I got up and spread open the window blinds, looked out and watched the heavy rain pour down creating tiny streams of water flowing down the pavement. My first thought was "That's heavy." A slight pause... then, "I want to lay in it." But I didn't. Because I have electrical air conditioning! This could indeed by an absolutely random and pointless post, yes, or perhaps it's part of my epic quest to reach level 3 as a Gamespot user so I can re-post my reviews from an older, previous account? Love, love love. In other news, I'm currently working on an article about my opinion on Kratos, the protagonist from the God of War series. I've followed his journey from start to finish and it was one heck of a ride. Soon I will post about what I have to say about it. Kthxbai! Scott_inWriting