I know this topic is way over done, but damn it, I'm hopping onto the band wagon too!
Lately I've been in trophy mode on my PS3 and want to get as many as I can. Although, I never actually get 100% because I hate those "collect/find all orbs/crap in the game" trophies. I think objectives like finding all the hidden items in games (like all the little red experience orbs in Enslaved) are ridiculous. I can understand if they are items that give you instant power ups or something like that, because it's always cool to acquire new abilities. But just plain ol' "get this crap for a trophy" irks me. Mainly because I like to try and do things without following a guide. But anyway that's not what I'm writing about. :lol:
I love and hate trophies/achievements. I find that being able to acquire trophies (and I say trophy because I only own a PS3) while playing a game gives you a little more incentive to keep playing it. It adds replay value which is nice since games today are expensive. Whatever makes it last longer. That sort of sounded dirty. lololololololol - Ok geek moment has passed. My only problem with games that have trophies is that it makes me not want to play the ones don't have them. I hate that!
Like I said, I like getting trophies and lately have been wanting to get as much as I can, with the exception of the "find these turdlets", so now I'm being turned off from my others games like Eternal Sonata, Folklore and Oblivion. Trophies are like an addiction! That's when I realized that people who look only to get trophies/achievements, they can't play a game just for the game. So last night I forced myself to start playing through Eternal Sonata again just because I remember it as being a fun game. Because really, what are trophies/achievements going to bring you in the end other than a larger e-peen? Sorry, I needed to say that. :lol:
Trophies are fun to get, but playing a game to experience the pure enjoyment of the game is even more fun to achieve.
That is all. :)