Hi Guys, Just wanted to tell you we just released a beta version of the Scringo Unity Plugin for Android, I'd be happy if you could take a look. Don't know if you know Scringo, it's an SDK that doubles (at least!) your user retention. It lets you add tons of features (Inbox, Activity feed, Radar, Feedback, Login to Facebook/Twitter/Email, and lots of others), and now it supports Unity. Just download the unitypackage, import it to your IDE and then you can launch all kinds of cool screens from your C# (Scringo.openInbox(), Scringo.openFeedback() etc). We're launching the beta so we would really like some top-notch, hands-on devs to take a look and tell us if that's what you'd want, what else would you like to see there and whatever... You need to register in order to get an App ID, but it's free of course... Register here: http://www.scringo.com/signup.php and then download this: https://dev.scringo.com/resources.php?resource=downloads=Unity Feel free to email me directly for questions at [email]ofer@scringo.com[/email] Thanks!
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