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My 1st (well 2nd) MMORPG......FF11 online

I just wanted to let everyone know that I hooked up our new computer to our 42" LCD tv. Its really all good. The PS3 is online and the PC as well. I'm into FF 11 online and I am on the Pandemonium server. My name is Scubei. I'm a RDM lv. 5 in San' D .

Anyways, online gaming is great and after about 3 years I'm back on ff11. That games just sucks you in. I'm a huge fan.

My PSN username is also Scubei. So just hit me up and we can go at it. C U all later!

I need my RPG on PS3!

Putting new rpgs on a new system like the PS3 is a waiting game......we want them bigger and better......longer and looking more realistic. Being a new father, the waiting game is going by fast, but still I hope other developers make smoe good games other than square enix. Don't get me wrong.....I am almost a square-enix fanboy, but I believe in everything else giving a chance. Level 5 has done some GREAT things.....I look forward to what they have to offer.....

much to see........untill the next time

Well, its next time and i am pissed. My PS3 froze up on COD4 and has not worked since. I think it was the 2.0 firmware update myself.....stupid info not like it.....i hope sony comes through with what the girl on the phone said about sending me another one. But they haven't sent me the box to send it to them yet!!!! And better yet, I just got a 40" samsung lcd tv and I'm having to play my PS1 on SFA3 is good and i like FF7 and FF8 are really good games but I am heated. More to come...check ya laters