Now listening to Kenny Loggins, he always gives me a bit of a chuckle. In fact I think his three biggest hits I'm Alright, Footloose, and Danger Zone form a complete and accurate portrait of the human experience, please allow me to explain....
You see Kenny began his meteoric rise with the hit I'm Alright,which paints the portraitof a rather carefree and flippant young man, no matter what happened he would feel invincible, rebellious,and shuck responsibility. "Who do you want?, Who you gonna be today?, and who is it really, making up your mind, you wanna listen to the man?" This is strong evidenceofthe devil may careattitude that one so blissfully experiences in his youth, before being forced to confront the rigorousmonotony and soul crushing natureof the work-a-day world.
Luckily Kenny matured to a degreeas he went on to record the epoch making title theme forKevin Bacon's epic film Footloose. He had begun to take responsibility for his life, as he says he's "been working, so hard,I'm punching, my card" a drastic change from the man we once knew.Being subjected to the sad and unavoidable truth of employment has taught Kenny that capricious behavior is the exception rather than the rule. However there is still a definite air of "stick it to the man" prevalent in both the film and the song. Kenny had yet to take the final step, the step into the Danger Zone.
Tom Cruise's Maverick is the ultimate representation of stage 3 of the Loggins experience. Maverick clearlyaccepts accountability for not only his own life but the live's of others every timehe gets into the cockpit. This could be viewed as acceptance of the ultimateresponsibility and that is what the Danger Zone is all about. Faced with his own mortality as a matter of course Kenny has come full circle. He has learned the value of determination, sacrifice, and empathy. He serves others before himself, truly Kenny has come a long way.
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